Friday, April 15, 2016

My Gee's Bend Inspired Paper Quilt Washi Tape Art Sold! The Destiny of Things, Story 360

My Gee's Bend Inspired Paper Quilt Washi Tape Art and Card Sold!  The Destiny of Things, Story 360

I was so excited when my paper quilt art prints sold! Here is the card:

 The original is on the right and the print is on the left, either available here
photo via Hoarder Rehab 

I am still thrilled someone ordered them and is enjoying them.  I wonder if the person she sent the card too enjoyed it.  I know she's enjoying the larger paper quilt print somewhere in her house.

Here is the note I received:

Very nice card!  Very pretty quilt card! Will look lovely framed! 

So nice to hear my art print is being framed.  It's such an honor!  Here's what it looks like unframed:

 This print can be ordered with a gloss finish, or on a lined index card to use as a postcard or on an unlined index card to use as you wish, available here
photo via Hoarder Rehab  

I've been making cards since I was a kid.  My grandmother showed me how to dry and flatten my favorite flowers from her garden and I would glue them on to paper and later turned them into cards.  I even sold them at a consignment shop down the street and was thrilled then too, when they sold!  I think I made more than my weekly allowance through third and fourth grade and was sad when the shop moved away.

As a recovering hoarder, I am finding out so much about myself!  For example, I have very different spatial awareness than most people and have known since childhood that I can not write in a straight line and just love lined anything to write on!  Hence the option for a lined postcard!  Available here
photo via Hoarder Rehab 

Saying Goodbye:  At least I know I can always make another one!  It will be slightly different, but I have such the hoard of washi tape, I think all the tapes might last me for years and can make over 100 cards!  Yikes, did I just say that?  Once in college over summer break I made over 200 "Out of Context" cards!  I made them day and night.  I was a little card factory!

It's so funny to me that these are actually vintage now!  The front says, "The Truth" and the inside says, "will resume soon."  Perfect "I'm sorry" card.  Available here
photo via VintageToGoEasy

What I Learned:

1.  I just love making cards and my family loves them too and since childhood have asked for them for Christmas and birthday gifts.  I am so thankful they love them too because I am a little card factory!  I will be making some for my mom and aunts for Mother's day.

2.  Which brings me to some of my hoarding ways!  I'm always on the look out for paper ephemera, stickers, rubber stamps and blank cards with envelopes.  And I'm dangerous at a card and envelope sale!  I will buy them out!  I haven't bought out a sale in a year or so, but the last time I did, I think I bought over 100 blank business cards to make gift tags!

This gift tags slieds into the glassine bag that I've made into an envelope by punching a hole in it and using a reinforcement sticker and twine to attach it to a gift, available here.  Photo via Hoarder Rehab 

3.  And I had been hoarding rubber stamps to make cards, but haven't used them to make any cards lately, however I do use them to make stickers for the shops packaging and use them as closures.

4.  I grew up writing snail mail letters and had pen pals through out my school days and had and have quite a collection of Sanrio stationery and other cards I've handmade.  

Even in college my friends and I would send snail mail, even when we saw each other daily or weekly.  I even became some what ambidextrous because one of my high school friends insisted we write letters weekly using our opposite writing hand!  We did that all the way through high school!  and probably when she moved away to college too!

I even kept all my letters from childhood and through out all my years, until I was encouraged to purge a lot of my hoard and those boxes of letters went out into the trash bin!  One huge apple box of all my saved letters gone in one fatal swoop!  It is one of the biggest regrets of my hoarding purges ever!  I wonder how much Sanrio stationery I bought to get over that loss!

5.  I can see clearly now.... the paper is gone.... I can see all obstacles in my way!  I can see where my hoard and love for paper began!  Who doesn't love to get snail mail with the details of friendship in it?  Who doesn't love to see what kind of stamp is on it?  What kind of sticker decorations and art work will be on it?  I do miss my love of letter writing!

I am also a huge fan of the Gee's Bend quilters!  but do not have much patience for quilting, but I can manage a washi tape paper quilt!  Available here
photo via Hoarder Rehab 

6.  Where did my love for Gee's Bend quilting come from?  During my first few years of teaching, I used to take my class to the Fowler's Museum inside UCLA for field trips.  Once they had a recycled fiber exhibit and it was so fascinating I went back on my own to see it several times.  

I sat and watched a video over and over of a woman who would just cut out strips and sewed her quilts freehand.  She called it, "cut and sew."  I didn't know it at the time, but I think she might have been a Gee Bend quilter and her quilts stuck in my mind and I thought I can do that!  I wouldn't have to be precise, need a pattern or even sew straight!

A few years later I even started my own quilt!  It's called the Inner City Alphabet quilt.  A is for apple, b is for boy, c is for cat, and D is for DRIVE BY! and so on.  I think it's more politically correct to call them low income communities now.

Here is D is for Drive by:  I think this is vintage too now! lol

When I was an inner city teacher, every year a student from our school was murdered by a drive by.  It was so sad and heart breaking.  Everyone of my students had a story of seeing guns and/ or being shot at and some of them would even be brave enough to show their gun shot wounds.  We had some very interesting show and tells.  This piece was inspired by their stories and from the Fowler Museum field trips.  I just cut and sewed!  Many of the fabrics are from my first year teaching and internship.

Thank you Etsy buyer from Hoarder Rehab for sharing your short and sweet note.  I have gained so much insight, inspiration and such a nostalgic walk down memory lane!  It was such a fun trip!  It brings tears of joy and sadness to my eyes!  I think I will have to go take a hoard dive and see how much of my Inner City Alphabet quilt I can still find!  I think I got half way through the alphabet.
Thank you Etsy for the best Hoarder Rehab ever!  And for all the kind people I'm meeting who are helping me indirectly and directly in so many ways with my Hoarder Rehab!

Thank you readers from all over the world who continue to support my Hoarder Rehab and The Destiny of Things by taking part with your visits! 
 I just love quotes too!  This has a quote from Frank Underwood from the show, House of Cards and the collage was inspired by Ivan Chermayeff.  It's supposed to be Frank's poisoned face!  Enjoy!  Available here
photo via Hoarder Rehab  
I continue to experiment with mending as an alternative to hoarding and have been having a blast experimenting with the best way to mend.  For some reason, I really enjoy seeing how the mending and patches hold up and love to watch them disintegrate and unravel,  even though it takes me so much time to remend them.  I can't seem to figure out why.
It's on my list to take photos of all my mending this weekend, so I hope to blog about it next week. 
Now I'm inspired to find the blocks to my Inner City Alphabet quilt.  I'm sure I have the fabric I was using saved somewhere too!  And I had a journal with the stories from each block and other details.  I hope I can stay motivated and inspired!
I'm keeping up with new listings daily and weekly, but would much rather mend now!

Click on the shop names to visit new hoard listed daily and/or weekly: HoarderRehab with 193 items, The Destiny of Things- 191 items, VintageToGoEasy - 202 items and JunkDrawerAndMore - 197 items 

Maybe you'll find something to adopt and share your story too!  Thanks for looking!
 Here is what the print looks like framed.  I had so many of these two sided float frames for my art, but I let them go and now they are sold out!  I wonder what kind of frame the Etsy buyer is using....
This print can be ordered with a gloss finish, or on a lined index card to use as a postcard or on an unlined index card to use as you wish, available here
photo via Hoarder Rehab  

Related Stories:

1.  These went to a bookstore in New York City!  My Washi Tape Quilt Cards:  The Destiny of Things, Story #119 

2.   Washi Tape Retail Therapy:  I've come along way since then!

3.  The first cards I made trying to dehoard all my construction paper from teaching, called Pumpkinsteins, as a hoarder alternative!  My first epiphany posting!

  Original Paper Quilt with Hafiz quote, available here

"Harmony.  It's not what's lasting or permanent.  It is about individual voices coming together for a moment.  And that moment lasts a length of a breath, or in my instance a transaction.  That's what I think about my time here."---Frank Underwood from House of Cards or in my case, I think it's "destiny, as well as harmony."

View my House of Cards - Frank Underwood, Harmony quote double sided reversible washi tape collage art here, here and here!  It's a series of three so far!

Happy Friday!

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