Friday, August 8, 2014

Heart Doilies and Fortune Fish: The Destiny of Things, Story 228

Heart Doilies and Fortune Fish:  The Destiny of Things, Story 228

I'm thankful when simple things make someone else happy!  Reminders of the past...

 photo via The Destiny of Things
10" heart doilies, available here

Two surprise notes!  Here's one of them:

I love these paper heart lace doilies!! They remind me a lot of the paper hearts I cut out in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade for Valentine's Day. We would glue these to a brown paper lunch sack to use to hold Valentine cards in. That was such a special and fun time in my life, I miss being a kid! Best times ever. I loved holidays at school! We always had fun class parties and sweet art projects to do. This really brought me back! I just had to get these as well! Yep, I just had to. I am a very sentimental person and I love to keep things around me that lifts my heart and makes me feel nostalgic joy. I lost so many special things in a house fire a week before Christmas when I was a freshman in high school. It's so great that I can find some things from my past! Thank you for this! I love it. 

I can't imagine what it would be like if I had a house fire and lost my hoard!  And a week before Christmas, even more devastatingIt makes me nervous and fidgety just thinking about it.  

 I have quite the doily collection, including round doilies too and thanks to her story, I think I know why now!
 photo via The Destiny of Things
6" heart doilies, available here

Her memories brought back many for me too, especially school Valentine parties and making cards for each person in class.  I remember making my first kindergarten Valentines with a few spare doilies my mom had, but not having enough for each student we improvised and used a small piece of doily for each heart I cut out for every student in class.

 photo via The Destiny of Things
3" heart doilies, available here

I remember it taking a very long time using right handed scissors for being left handed and finally just cut out the hearts using my right hand.  Today this day, I am a lefty with some things and a righty with other things.  I still have one Valentine from that time from someone absent that day in a scrapbook lost in my hoard!  Need to start hoard diving again!

photo via The Destiny of Things
Fortune Fish, available here

With her second note:

Thank you for all of these wonderful fortune fishies!! I had gotten one of these around 1995 or so from "Claire's Boutique" at the mall in Bellingham, Wa., where I used to live. I LOVED this fortune fish! I saved it in my white desk drawer with my letters and cards and poetry books and journals forever. I still have it, but it's bent. It reminds me of such good happy times and it was a lot of fun to use. It was quite accurate, too! I couldn't believe it when I found it, I thought I'd never find it again. What a WONDERFUL surprise! I am thrilled to have a bunch more! It's so special to me. Thank you for the extra fish and fun note & stickers and penny! It's all so very special! I loved the packaging! It arrived quickly, too! Happy to help take these off your hands! :-) 

I'd love to be a fly on the wall and see her desk with her poetry books, journals and her old beloved bent fortune fishAgain I am so happy that many others love these Fortune Fish as much as I do!  Just love how they come alive in the palm of my hand!  They are so fun and bring back old memories as well as make new ones!

photo via The Destiny of Things
Fortune Fish, available here

Saying Goodbye:  Thanks to her story, I think I might have solved one of the mysteries to my hoarding ways!  It may sound odd, but I think if I just find the Valentine I made in kindergarten and hang it up I won't need a hoard of doilies anymore!

I can picture the scrapbook in my mind too!  It's in the bottom of a box inside a Betsey Clark scrapbook and that box is on the bottom of other boxes in my hoard of hoards!

What I Learned:

1.  Interesting... it seems I might be finding solutions to my hoard collections!  And out of all the doilies my favorites are the small 3 inch heart doilies and I do use those in my art, but none of the others.  I do use the round ones to gift wrap, but that's it.

How did you use doilies in your childhood Valentines?  and does anyone else still have some? 

Thank you Etsy buyer for sending your stories.  Look how much you helped me with mine!  Can you see the big smile on my face!  I am a sentimental too, which reminds me I still have my 70s sleeping bag from my Grandmother for sleep overs too.  I wonder where that is?

Thank you Etsy for making my Hoarder Rehab journey meaningful and fun!

Thank you US, Moldova, Turkey, China, Ukraine, Netherlands, France, Germany, Japan and many others for for taking the time to visit my  HoarderRehab and The Destiny of Things!  

Click on the shop names to visit my hoard listed daily: HoarderRehab with 183 items ,  The Destiny of Things-193 items , VintageToGoEasy - 172 items and now JunkDrawerLove - 167 items!  Maybe you'll find something to take home and share your story too!  Thanks for looking!
 I loved Joan Walsh Anglund, Holly Hobbie, Betsey Clark
and thanks to Etsy most of my pieces have found new happy homes!

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Most Read Story of the Week, Month and All TimeMy Louis Vuitton Collection the end of mine for the beginning of someone else.  The last piece of my LV collection, my 80s LV gold cornered wallet is available here at The Destiny of Things!    

"Friendship constitutes a country for those in exile, a fortune for the poor, a remedy for the sick, and a life for the dead.  It provides pleasure for those who are well, strength for the weak, and a reward for the strong."


  1. Hi Kennedy, I love the fortune fish too! I've been sending them in my thank you package (inspired by you!!!) A customer recently emailed me that she remembered these and didn't know they were still available so naturally I sent her a message to visit your shops! She lives in the UK, how cool is that?
    I only worry just a bit that they might get the "cold fish" message...hope they have a sense of humor. LOve your stories keep up the good dehoarding.

  2. Hi Ali! So happy to hear the fortune fish are getting passed about in gratitude from you and your Etsy shop, HeyAlleyCat!

    Thanks again for visiting regularly and leaving me inspirational comments to keep on dehoarding!

  3. Ha ha ha! I still have the sleeping bag bought just for sleep overs at Gram's. It resides in a cedar chest that belonged to my great grandmother. I keep it for memories sake.

  4. OMG, you do? We must exchange pix of our sleeping bags! I keep mine for memories sake too, but as a recovering hoarder, somewhat overloaded with memory keepsakes! Not sure what to do...

    I keep a Spider Man sleeping bag from the same era in my emergency bag for the truck.
