I received two interesting, yet different stories about these world globe key chains. Remember opening these lever kinds? I seemed to damage a nail everytime!
I don't know if you can see them, but there's little airplanes and ships and travel paths for them!
My first snail mail "Destiny of Things" story from Madison of Florida! Thank you Madison, what a welcome surprise it is to get something in snail mail that's not a bill or junk mail! I am ecstatic! Thank you for taking the time to write and express the gratitude and happiness the globe key chains brought you and your family!
She bought these to give to her Grandmother, mother and aunts as Christmas gifts. I think she was short one for an aunt and herself, so I'm mailing her some more with my "thank you" letter. Will take better pics of both this weekend, so they are more readable on super sized!
The other story through email is different! It's about someone who can't travel as much as they like because they are devoted to rescuing 7 dogs and 4 cats! Now that's a whole lot of love, dedication and sacrifice! Thank you for sharing parts of your day and contributing to my HoarderRehab journey!
January 24 2013 5:34pm EDT
Invoice: www.etsy.com/your/orders/77721142
Hi Jennifer!
Thank you for your order! If there is a story behind this purchase, I'd love to know it! I am collecting these stories, instead of more things and documenting it on my blog to see if it helps me end my hoarding ways this time around!
I already have one story about these globes! One girl bought them for stocking stuffers for her traveling family and will use hers after she graduates from college, since her grandmother said she'd take her anywhere after she grads! How will you use them? Sorry, I'm so curious!
Anyways, your globes will be shipped out tomorrow! I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you again for ordering some of my Hoarder History and bringing me closer to my dream of a minimalist organic home with a music art room, instead of the hoarded up storage room.
Best regards,
~Kennedy at
The Destiny of Things
Hi Jennifer!
Thank you for your order! If there is a story behind this purchase, I'd love to know it! I am collecting these stories, instead of more things and documenting it on my blog to see if it helps me end my hoarding ways this time around!
I already have one story about these globes! One girl bought them for stocking stuffers for her traveling family and will use hers after she graduates from college, since her grandmother said she'd take her anywhere after she grads! How will you use them? Sorry, I'm so curious!
Anyways, your globes will be shipped out tomorrow! I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you again for ordering some of my Hoarder History and bringing me closer to my dream of a minimalist organic home with a music art room, instead of the hoarded up storage room.
Best regards,
~Kennedy at
The Destiny of Things

13 hours ago
HI Kennedy: I don't really have a story, I just
love to collect Globes, I am always on the look out for something a
little different. We don't get to travel much, since we do a lot of dog
rescue. Currently we have 7 dogs and 4 dogs. So that pretty much
keeps us at home. I do display all my globes on 6 floor to ceiling
shelves in our living room. It's an older home and came with these
shelves--so I am filling them up!!
Thanks so much. Have a great evening.
Thanks so much. Have a great evening.

13 hours ago
HI Jennifer!
That's a great story! It's like the opposite of the other story I received. 7 dogs and 4 cats!!! That's amazing! That's a big sacrifice and passion that you and your husband have to be able to rescue dogs and cats. Kudos to you and your husband and the lucky dogs and cats!
Thank you for your story and I will use it exactly as you wrote it for my blog. I would love to see your globe collection! Your home with built ins sounds inspirational with the dogs and cats in it!
Anyways, thank you again for your huge contribution and joining me in my dehoarding adventures!
Thank you and you all have a good evening too!
That's a great story! It's like the opposite of the other story I received. 7 dogs and 4 cats!!! That's amazing! That's a big sacrifice and passion that you and your husband have to be able to rescue dogs and cats. Kudos to you and your husband and the lucky dogs and cats!
Thank you for your story and I will use it exactly as you wrote it for my blog. I would love to see your globe collection! Your home with built ins sounds inspirational with the dogs and cats in it!
Anyways, thank you again for your huge contribution and joining me in my dehoarding adventures!
Thank you and you all have a good evening too!

13 hours ago
PS. Can I use your little icon pic with your story. I see it has one of your rescue dogs in it! So cute!
January 24 2013 6:27pm EDT
I am so glad you like my story. As soon as I get
your Globe I will take some pictures and send them to you.
Yeah, the built-ins are great, the dogs don't bother them at all! Normally I never go over 6 dogs at a time, but I came across what I thought was a puppy only to find out it was a 3 and half pound poodle mix thing, skin and bones-you could see every single rib, covered in fleas, not fixed, etc...Unfortunately, I am afraid he may not be adoptable. I took him to our dog trainer and he has been so abused he is scared to death of men. We have been working with him for 9 months now and though he is comfortable with me, this is probably as good as he will get. But that's OK--I have my quirks too!
Feel free to use my picture, that is our rescue pug "Toula", she came to us at 10 years old, she was used as a breeder and had never been on grass when we took her in. She is a doll, she is close to 16 years old now! She has been a wonderful dog-I hope she lives to 20 at least!!! :0)
Thanks again,
Yeah, the built-ins are great, the dogs don't bother them at all! Normally I never go over 6 dogs at a time, but I came across what I thought was a puppy only to find out it was a 3 and half pound poodle mix thing, skin and bones-you could see every single rib, covered in fleas, not fixed, etc...Unfortunately, I am afraid he may not be adoptable. I took him to our dog trainer and he has been so abused he is scared to death of men. We have been working with him for 9 months now and though he is comfortable with me, this is probably as good as he will get. But that's OK--I have my quirks too!
Feel free to use my picture, that is our rescue pug "Toula", she came to us at 10 years old, she was used as a breeder and had never been on grass when we took her in. She is a doll, she is close to 16 years old now! She has been a wonderful dog-I hope she lives to 20 at least!!! :0)
Thanks again,
January 24 2013 7:20pm EDT
I love your story! and the sacrifices you make
for your dogs. AND you'll send me pics of your globes!!!!! THANK you so
much! I can't wait now! Make sure your rescue dogs are in the pic
too! They are part of your "if you could travel" crew!
I'm so sorry to hear about the poodle mix thing, on one hand he sounds so sad, but on the other he is so lucky to have been found by someone like you who will take good care of him and bring him to his best possible potentials and can accept him for who he is with all his quirks. What's his name?
Toula sounds adorable and sounds like she had a sad life as a breeder until she you found her. Poor thing! A dog that's never been on grass? It must have been a sight to see when you put her on grass.
I had an Australian Shepard since he was a puppy and he lived to be 22 years old. I think it was because he was the happiest dog in the world! I do miss him.
You must have s o m e patience! A stranger once asked me to take in her rescue dog because it was her eighth one and she was spending $33 a day to keep him in a kennel and he had been there for over a month and only got out once a week for 15 min.
Rocco was half pit bull rottweiler and needed a lot of help. She paid for a dog trainer, like 700 bucks and had a chip put in him and all kinds of other stuff. It got a little crazy for me when I had to take him for walks with three leashes and two types of muzzles and some weird kinds of sprays. And he ruined about 5k worth of my furniture, which I don't really care, but I wish she would have warned me, I would have taken precautions! There were too many small dogs that he went after for snacks and I always had to stay away from babies in strollers. So sad, she took him back to the kennel.
So I must say, you must have tons of patience and love and I'm really inspired by your stories. You must be really gifted!
Thank you,
I'm so sorry to hear about the poodle mix thing, on one hand he sounds so sad, but on the other he is so lucky to have been found by someone like you who will take good care of him and bring him to his best possible potentials and can accept him for who he is with all his quirks. What's his name?
Toula sounds adorable and sounds like she had a sad life as a breeder until she you found her. Poor thing! A dog that's never been on grass? It must have been a sight to see when you put her on grass.
I had an Australian Shepard since he was a puppy and he lived to be 22 years old. I think it was because he was the happiest dog in the world! I do miss him.
You must have s o m e patience! A stranger once asked me to take in her rescue dog because it was her eighth one and she was spending $33 a day to keep him in a kennel and he had been there for over a month and only got out once a week for 15 min.
Rocco was half pit bull rottweiler and needed a lot of help. She paid for a dog trainer, like 700 bucks and had a chip put in him and all kinds of other stuff. It got a little crazy for me when I had to take him for walks with three leashes and two types of muzzles and some weird kinds of sprays. And he ruined about 5k worth of my furniture, which I don't really care, but I wish she would have warned me, I would have taken precautions! There were too many small dogs that he went after for snacks and I always had to stay away from babies in strollers. So sad, she took him back to the kennel.
So I must say, you must have tons of patience and love and I'm really inspired by your stories. You must be really gifted!
Thank you,
How cool do the globe world key chains look in their new home! Another
favorite thing of mine too-- a shadow box! and ... I forgot I
collect old passports too! And a bonus of pics of some of the rescued pets!
Thank you for the pic and for connecting with our rescue pet stories! I
love your passport story too, thanks for including it!
January 29 2013 5:33pm EDT
Hi Kennedy: So sad about "Rocco". We have had
some of those really destructive dogs too, it so hard since you know
they aren't trying to be bad, but it's destroying your house!!! I was
nice of you to try, but she should have warned you!. One of our rescues
we have now, we had talked back and forth with the Foster home for
about 3 weeks, we drove almost 3 hours to pick her up. As we were
putting her in our car, the lady says "Oh by the way I think she's
blind." I was shocked. I would have taken her anyway, but it would
have been nice to know before hand in the 5 conversations we had
previous. We have found a lot of times either people don't know or they
just don't tell you all of the truth so you will take the dog.
Well, I got the globes--I LOVE THEM! They are perfect for my shadow box. I took a picture, I hope it posted, I had to size it down. The passport in the photo is my Grandfathers, he was an actor, popular in the 1930-40's but he was in over a 100 movies, sometimes really small parts. It's funny how many of his old movies are on DVD now. He passed away at 91 in 1998, but I still miss him-he was a character!.
Thanks again, I appreciate you sweet note you sent with the globes, I will mark you as a favorite! Have a wonderful and hope you sell tons and tons!!!
Well, I got the globes--I LOVE THEM! They are perfect for my shadow box. I took a picture, I hope it posted, I had to size it down. The passport in the photo is my Grandfathers, he was an actor, popular in the 1930-40's but he was in over a 100 movies, sometimes really small parts. It's funny how many of his old movies are on DVD now. He passed away at 91 in 1998, but I still miss him-he was a character!.
Thanks again, I appreciate you sweet note you sent with the globes, I will mark you as a favorite! Have a wonderful and hope you sell tons and tons!!!
January 29 2013 6:56pm EDT
Hi Jennifer!
I am happy to hear you love the globes! They do look perfect in your shadow box!
I am so excited! Thank you so much for the picture and the story about your Grandfather! That's so cool about your Grandfather acting in over 100 movies! Too bad we can't see his passport pic! Would we recognize him? I guess you are famous two times removed?
I will try to post this today on my blog. I'm just going to try and use hopefully all of our email words for it, as is.
Thank you for joining, supporting and being a huge part of my HoarderRehab via the Destiny of Things! In more ways than one!
Saying Good-bye: it makes me happy to know that all of my things, like these teacher props and rewards are going to better places and getting out of a boxes of stored hoard to be used and displayed as reminders of inspiring things to come, collections or memories of the past!
What I Learned:
1. I never know how someone unknown will bring meaningful inspiration into my life! It is good therapy for me as a hoarder to find something in common with non-hoarders! It's not as scary as I thought. There's surprises almost everywhere!
2. It amazes me how "one thing", like the globe world key chain can have so many different meanings to different people. It boggles my mind and reminds me to keep an even bigger open mind than I think possible!
It's like when I read the "keywords" in shop stats to see how people end up at my shops! It's astonishing! Sometimes I have have to click on the "keyword" to see which item is linked up to it! Like today's, key words: "young feet in flip flops", "lock made out of coin", "valentine bottle", "nesting dolls" or "a". I don't have any nesting dolls, locks or "a" at any of my shops, but people managed to get to my shops anyway and I'm thankful for it!
3. Nice to meet someone who understands that we all have our "quirks!" and as a reminder to keep in mind for everyone I cross paths with.
Parting Thoughts: It's so nice and inspirational to connect with others that are following their dreams with love, patience and sacrifice. Meeting someone who is making the world a better place by rescuing neglected and/or abused pets through her love and sacrifices. And another just starting to find her place in life through college life.
I am happy to hear you love the globes! They do look perfect in your shadow box!
I am so excited! Thank you so much for the picture and the story about your Grandfather! That's so cool about your Grandfather acting in over 100 movies! Too bad we can't see his passport pic! Would we recognize him? I guess you are famous two times removed?
I will try to post this today on my blog. I'm just going to try and use hopefully all of our email words for it, as is.
Thank you for joining, supporting and being a huge part of my HoarderRehab via the Destiny of Things! In more ways than one!
Saying Good-bye: it makes me happy to know that all of my things, like these teacher props and rewards are going to better places and getting out of a boxes of stored hoard to be used and displayed as reminders of inspiring things to come, collections or memories of the past!
What I Learned:
1. I never know how someone unknown will bring meaningful inspiration into my life! It is good therapy for me as a hoarder to find something in common with non-hoarders! It's not as scary as I thought. There's surprises almost everywhere!
2. It amazes me how "one thing", like the globe world key chain can have so many different meanings to different people. It boggles my mind and reminds me to keep an even bigger open mind than I think possible!
It's like when I read the "keywords" in shop stats to see how people end up at my shops! It's astonishing! Sometimes I have have to click on the "keyword" to see which item is linked up to it! Like today's, key words: "young feet in flip flops", "lock made out of coin", "valentine bottle", "nesting dolls" or "a". I don't have any nesting dolls, locks or "a" at any of my shops, but people managed to get to my shops anyway and I'm thankful for it!
3. Nice to meet someone who understands that we all have our "quirks!" and as a reminder to keep in mind for everyone I cross paths with.
Parting Thoughts: It's so nice and inspirational to connect with others that are following their dreams with love, patience and sacrifice. Meeting someone who is making the world a better place by rescuing neglected and/or abused pets through her love and sacrifices. And another just starting to find her place in life through college life.
One who is inspired by the globe key chain to travel and as a reminder that her Grandmother will take her anywhere she wishes to go after she graduates, just she has with her aunts and mom.
And another who collects all different kinds of globes, as she uses her gifts to help others less fortunate.
I admire her strength, endurance and patience towards taking care and rehabilitating abandoned pets so they can become adoptable and be placed into another world again. They have been lucky to be found by her!
Thank you Madison and Jennifer for giving my globe world key chains new meaning and new lives! I can't thank you enough! Although they seem like small objects, it's the practice I need to keep going and continue dehoarding. Thank you for finding common connections with me and sharing a glimpse into your lives!
Thank you etsy for for connecting me with people who I not only find common threads and share little snippets of the past, future and current moments of our lives, but who take time to join, inspire and support me in my HoarderRehab: The Destiny of Things adventure with their stories, pics and everydayness!
Thank you US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Honduras, Taiwan and Croatia for your presence the last two days. Welcome Honduras and Taiwan!
If someone granted you one wish to take you wherever you wanted to go, where would you choose?
Thank you Madison and Jennifer for giving my globe world key chains new meaning and new lives! I can't thank you enough! Although they seem like small objects, it's the practice I need to keep going and continue dehoarding. Thank you for finding common connections with me and sharing a glimpse into your lives!
Thank you etsy for for connecting me with people who I not only find common threads and share little snippets of the past, future and current moments of our lives, but who take time to join, inspire and support me in my HoarderRehab: The Destiny of Things adventure with their stories, pics and everydayness!
Thank you US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Honduras, Taiwan and Croatia for your presence the last two days. Welcome Honduras and Taiwan!
If someone granted you one wish to take you wherever you wanted to go, where would you choose?
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