Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hello Fellow Etsy Shop Hoarder! Hoarder Rehab Inspiration or Desperation, Story #16

Hello Fellow Etsy Shop Hoarder!  Hoarder Rehab Inspiration or Desperation, Story #16

A self proclaimed hoarder Etsy seller, a lot like me!  Here's the email with photo!

Dear Kennedy

Thank you very much for adding my wreath and cowbell to your favorites, I appreciate it !!!
I understand about being a hoarder, but a person just can't throw something away that might be put back to use ,so list it on etsy and maybe somebody else can use it right ? Some of the things that I hoard are too big to list on etsy

Charlie Desert Flats Farm


Now that's some BIG hoard!  Charlie's goes out his back door to his backyard with the desert and out his front door is his orchard farm and hay field with the Rocky Mountains about 15 minutes away.  They raise Jacob Sheep; cows ,pigs, apples and hay.

I wonder if the photo is from the back or front yard?

Here's what I wrote back:

Good morning Charlie! Thank you for the email and photo!!!! I love your BIG hoard! That is some mighty fine hoard! I couldn't part with them either! So nice to know I'm not alone! Thanks!

Thank you for your encouraging and kind words and yes, I list almost everything I can on Etsy and over 480+ items have already found new homes! And I am so thankful that someone else is actually using my stuff because it's just in storage boxes in my home.

I supposedly grew up on a farm, but only have memories from photos. So thanks for yours, reminds me of the old photos of my Dad and I riding on a plow or some sort of machinery.

In Nov, can I use your photo and farm hoard collection story for my blog? I can link your shop to the blog post or leave you anonymous! Penny for your thoughts!

Thanks again for making my morning brighter!

Kind regards,
~Kennedy at

Read 120+ stories from Etsy buyers who help me stay focused on my HoarderRehab!

Each week I promote my favorites from other shops! These are some of my favs from DesertFlatFarms.  Everyone needs a place to hang their favorite, "Lid."

One of my goals as a recovering hoarder is to find other things in common with others, hoarders and non hoarders alike and I seem to be doing just that, at least with other hoarders!

Besides farming, Charlie takes rusty old junk that other people throw away and turns them into what he calls, "NOS or neat old stuff"

He loves to work with his hands and over the years has made his own forge, anvil, various tools and has put together a small machine shop.

His profile reads, "Most of my education is "on the job training" and "screwing it up til I get it right" aka "The School of Hard Knocks" Of which I'm not a graduate of yet!!

So Charlie and I have a lot in common besides being hoarders!  We both like to work with our hands and make things out of stuff people throw away and we both are enrolled in "The School of Hard Knocks" forever!

--- Insert photo of my trash art here----

Here's my favorite of his really neat old stuff named, "The Eagle Kachina Dancer."

photo via Desert Flat Farms Shop, see different views of it here

This is one of my favorite pieces because not only is it made out of lunks of recycled rust, it's like a standing Native American wind chime!  It's got a propane tank head, an old water heater body, cultivator shoe feet and pinsetter bowling alley feathers!   It's base even spins and it's feathered arms clang in the wind!  Perfect for a field of corn!

And it's so big it might scare away any bird or other little critter!  It stands 7 feet tall and is almost just as wide and outweighs the average adult at 230 pounds!

On top of it all, it's guaranteed "one of a kind " because Charlie says, "he ain't makin another one".

Check out his work at Desert Flat Farms Shop  and if you don't see something you like request it because I bet he can make it! 

Here is more of his recycled rust art:  The left are the before images and the right shows the after photos

Before: Old Rusty Junk                                              After:  New Old Stuff Art

Hoarder Desperation:  None!  I think I've learned how to turn my hoarder desperation frown upside down now by finding positive things in common with other hoarders and non hoarders.

"Find the good to eliminate the bad!"

And it did help to rid myself of my insomnia or so it seems as though it's gone!  How did I do it?  I got up at 3 am everyday until I couldn't keep my eyes open by 8 pm!  I had a full routine that worked for me, let me know if you ever want to hear it.

I finally got over "almost" getting that head cold going around that I almost kept getting for over a month by following another one of my own routines and making a hand sanitizer for mr oz to use at work because his co-workers are sick.

Organic Hand Sanitizer Recipe:

1/4 cup Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Gelly
one splash of Humphrey's Organic Witch Hazel
5-10 drops of tea tree and lavender oil, I used a half of splash of Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Anticeptic Solution that has soothing lavender already in it.  It's not certified organic, but it's okay so far.

Mix all with your finger in a small glass container.  Mine turned a pearled moonstone color.

It smells surprisingly good and feels creamy soft without lotion residue gunky feeling.  I might add a dab of organic coconut oil and see if it works as a daily lotion.

Note to self:  I wonder if we will use it all before I can figure out when it will expire.

So that's why I haven't been around for my Monday and Wednesday postings, I've been sleeping and getting over the "on the verge" of getting the head cold.  I feel so much better now!

Hoarder Inspiration:  Plenty of inspiration!  It seems as though I'm moving in a direction with more light at the end of the tunnel.  I used to see such a tiny little spark in the darkness, like a barely there pin hole, but it's gotten bigger and bigger.  Then I became suspicious of the light and thought it was another train coming for a head on collision, but that seems to have turned into more light too!

What else?  Almost 500 items of my hoard have found new lives and better homes! 498 to be exact!  I started hoarding again, but even that turned out for the good!  but that's another story!

What's new for you today?  Answers in comments are welcomed!

Thank you Charlie from Desert Flat Farms for emailing me and sending me your photos!  It is inspiring for me to find other things in common with others besides hoard!  Many thanks for letting me share your story!

Thank you Etsy for a better than ever outlet for my hoard!  And for bringing me so much hope and inspiration as a recovering hoarder by helping me find homes for my hoard of over 490 items and counting!

Thank you US, Germany, India, Canada, Egypt, Greece, South Korea, Malaysia, Turkey, Ukraine, Indonesia, Philippines, Trinidad and Tobago for your visits for the past six days and taking part in my Hoarder Rehab and The Destiny of Things

Click on the shop names to visit my hoard listed daily: HoarderRehabThe Destiny of Things and VintageToGoEtsy and now JunkDrawerLoveEtsy!  There are about 98 items listed on JunkDrawerLoveEtsy and will be listing 1-3 new things there daily and 1-2 items at the other shops!   
Thanks for looking!
Maybe you'd like to share your story!
Related Stories:  Other self proclaimed hoarders or serious collectors!
1. The first self proclaimed hoarders I met on Etsy that let me share their stories:
Today's HoarderRehab Epiphany #4:  As a Hoarder, I am Not Alone 
2.  An Etsy buyer's story of my Vernonware and his love and collection of vintage California pottery inspired him to find the Museum of California Design, read it here!

3.  An Etsy buyer, 80s collector and artist from Australia, read her story here, see her collection here on flickr!  She seems to update her collection weekly!

4.  An Etsy buyer who gave me her story about her order of my Copper Souvenir Bracelet from Chile 
gave me another story about her 700 clocks with photos of her beautiful collection!  Read it here

5.  From Yahoo news, Someone with over 1700 Christmas ornaments and how it relates to my Hoarder Inspiration or Desperation, read about it here!
6.  An email story from Jim Gould of Your Tops wondering if he's a hoarder and his wife confirming it. Also how he transformed my Day of the Dead skull beads into a DOD cake topper!   Read about it here
7. How I Knew I was a Hoarder and my list of over 100 collections and counting, story here!
8.  An Etsy buyer shares her story and her list that's like mine!  Read it here!
9.  Today's HoarderRehab Epiphany #3:  Hoarding as the New American Epidemic :  I thought I had "Hoarder Vision" powers after I was out of Hoarder Denial.  My attempt at writing a humorous post.
"A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor."--- Unknown

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