Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Jocko the Clown Pinball Game: The Destiny of Things, Story 373

Jocko the Clown Pinball Game:  The Destiny of Things, Story 373

This went to a collector and she is so happy to have it!  Yippee!

Jocko the Clown is sold out, but maybe you'd like these mini clown figurines here
photo via VintageToGoEasy

Here is the message I received:

I don't intend to ever grow up, Kennedy, and I absolutely love vintage children's toys, and especially circus items! Your clown game is going to be treasured in our home and kept in the same amazing condition you have kept it in. Thanks again for everything. 

How fun is that?  I'd love to see her children's toy collection, especially all the circus items.  I loved going to the circus as a kid and later loved going to Cirque de Soliel.

What memories does it bring you?

Jocko the Clown is sold out, but maybe you'd like these mini clown figurines here
photo via VintageToGoEasy

I got this to show some little ones what an old fashioned old school hand held travel toy looked like before video games because they couldn't believe that movies of their Dad as a child didn't come with sound back then!

I got it with the duck family parade to show them how toys moved back then too without batteries! Hahaha! and to see their faces in surprise and disbelief when they heard their Granddad's childhood didn't include television and that he could only listen to his favorite shows on the radio!
Radio? What is that?

Granddad has tons of emergency radios that are either solar powered or hand cranked, kinda like the way the duck family parade toy works! Wonder if hoarding is hereditary or learned practice or both because my Dad was one pack rat!  Well, he pack ratted for several families worth!

Working with key litho tin duck family, available here
photo via VintageToGoEasy 

I also bought some Bozo the clown records, 45 RPM records and that blew their minds too!  What a huge CD!  As kids, my brother and I just loved Bozo and when he got one of those blow up Bozo punching bags that you could hit forever, we were in heaven!

Jocko the Clown is sold out, but maybe you'd like these mini clown figurines here
photo via VintageToGoEasy

Saying Goodbye:  No worries over letting this go, but my Tiffany bracelet sold earlier this week and it almost gave me a heart attack!  I can't even wear it, since I'm allergic to any metal jewelry, especially sterling and rationally I don't even wear jewelry anymore.  I tried wearing some non metal jewelry and took it off within 5 minutes because it just felt heavy!

But that's another story!

This was a retirement gift to myself and I didn't even get a chance to wear it! or if I did, I can't remember wearing it and before I knew it, I became allergic to metals and even had to use plastic utensils to eat!  My Tiffany bracelet is SOLD OUT!  Boohoo! photo via The Destiny of Things

What I Learned:

1.  I haven't been sleeping well, let me take that back,  I have been sleeping well, but I wake up with the feeling like I weigh a ton and am dragging myself around.  For over a week now, all I've been doing is fighting to stay awake until 8 pm and then I sleep like a rock, but when I get up, it's like I'm never going to wake up!

Everything I try to do takes twice as long and I'm clumsy too.  I can't think or spell and making decisions takes me even longer now because even though I know I'm an over thinker, now it's just fog!  so I've just been a hermit lately.  This fighting to stay awake is worse than insomnia, at least I've learned how to function with insomnia.  Anyways, I've been wondering what I'm allergic to know and I think I've figured it out...... I'm allergic to exercise!

I was doing 50 jumping jacks a day and my plan was adding 25 more daily until I got sore.  So much for that, I got to 125 and was so lethargic all day, even with cat naps all day long it became impossible to get anything done, so I just didn't.  I didn't get sore, but even right now I can barely keep awake and I feel so much better in the less sleepy department today.  Also, I haven't jumped for 2 days.  I skipped jumping during the weekend and it helped a little.

What to do?  I was so gung ho and determined to add daily aerobic exercise and I liked the fact that 50 jumping jacks plus doesn't even take more than 5 - 10 minutes a day!

As soon as the all day sleepiness disappears I think I'll go back to doing just 25 jumps a day and see what happens.

2.  So between Etsy's new shop roll out and my 24 hour sleepiness I haven't been doing much or getting much done.  I can barely watch a movie and just roam around the internet reading other people's blogs and been learning about SEO, search engine optimism.  See I had to google it, search engine optimization.

3.  Maybe it's just techless me and my perpetual sleepy head, but it feels like it takes twice as long for me to even relist something on my shops and I have to use the "rearrange" button and search for my own stuff more, just to find it and rearrange it where I want it to go.  Relists just don't go to the front of the line anymore.

So I haven't been doing much at the shops, but keep my head above water and sleep a lot day and night!  As a matter of fact, I'll be taking another nap after I finish this post.

These are the mini clowns I've been writing about, available here
photo via VintageToGoEasy

Thank you Etsy buyer from VintageToGoEasy for sending me a message about your collection.  Speaking of collections the mini clown figurines are from a collection and back in the day you could get 100 for a dollar!  I was trying to collect them all, but now I think I know better!  Ha!

photo via Google

Thank you Etsy for the best Hoarder Rehab ever!  And for all the kind people I'm meeting who are helping me indirectly and directly in so many ways with my Hoarder Rehab!
Thank you readers from all over the world who continue to support my Hoarder Rehab and The Destiny of Things by taking part with your visits!
 I ended up with painted ones and yellow ones, not the pink ones as I had originally wanted!  Photo via Google

I've just returned to relisting daily and when I get the hang of it again, I'll start listing new items again.  Most likely at the end of the week!

Another reason I'm listing more slowly is because new listing and relisting takes longer with this new shop format and I've noticed that browsing and searching items on Etsy shops takes a lot longer for me with the new shop format, even if I'm looking for something specific!  I know I'm techless, but hopefully I'll get used to the new format soon.  I've never had to do so much rearranging and searching for my own items so much!

I've also noticed it seems that others are listing less also because the category in the activity feed that says, "Items your favorited shops have listed" is less than a page now and before the new shop roll out it was 2-3 pages.  Also some shops that we promote often have cut their inventory drastically already!  

I don't know if that's due to the new shop roll out or the summer sale slow down.  Anyone out there with any ideas, why?
Due to less window shopping on Etsy, I thought I had found something healthier to do, like start a simple exercise plan! I started over a week ago, which has really helped me as a recovering hoarder to not buy anything more and try something else as a healthier alternative!  
However, now if I can just stay awake to complete daily life habits, household and Etsy chores accomplished without falling asleep or tripping over my own feet or dropping things!
As a recovering hoarder, I hope exercising outlasts my window shopping habits!  Only time will tell!  Wish me luck!

Click on the shop names to visit new hoard listed daily and/or weekly: HoarderRehab with 186 items, The Destiny of Things- 183 items, VintageToGoEasy - 186 items and JunkDrawerAndMore - 190 items 
I've been trying to catch up and relist 3 items per day and after that I'll list the new items and hopefully by then I'll be used to the "rearranging" button!  I wish I didn't have the added two extra steps just to relist items!
Maybe you'll find something to adopt and share your story too!  Thanks for looking!
 Bendy unicyclist that someone could turn into a clown, available here
Happy Wednesday!  Thank you for visiting my Hoarder Rehab and The Destiny of Things!

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