Friday, February 13, 2015

You Devil Fishlove Heart Throb Novelty Gag Gift: The Destiny of Things, Story 275

You Devil Fishlove Heart Throb:  The Destiny of Things, Story 275

This devil's wink may have caused more than just some pitter patter this Valentine's!

I love all of Fishlove's kitschy novelty gag gift products and was on the verge of collecting more when this sold, but by the time it did I had moved on to collecting something else!

This was one of my third grade teaching tools because our science curriculum focused on simple machines, like pulley's, levers, wheels and axles, etc. but the one thing that got their attention was this wind up mechanical heart that moved and sounded like it's cousin, the the yakity yak wind up teeth. 

 photo via Collector's Weekly

My students always got a kick out this because they couldn't believe it moved without batteries or plugging it in!  So to them it was like magic and a great introduction to simple machines.

Unfortunately back then I never could find the teeth and believe me I looked, but I did find this and it worked just as well in the classroom.

History I found interesting:  back in the day, different versions were used in many different advertising forms. These two I found interesting:

1. It was used as a promotional to sell men's shirts during Valentines. This item is supposed to be left on the cardboard and put in your shirt pocket and then it's supposed to thump through your jacket! Ah-hah, I found that so funny! Hope you do too!

2. It was also a promotional for Jockey socks and undies for men. One year, Jockey went battery, the new ones made sounds and lit up. It was a flop because by the time Valentines rolled around, many of the batteries died and battery juice leaked and burned through the products! So Jockey went back to the manual mechanical ones.

 photo via Collector's Weekly

Until I listed "You Devil," I didn't know that Mr. Fishlove was the inventor behind so many of the "classic" gag gifts I love and grew up with, like plastic vomit, rubber rat and whoopee cushion! Also, he was one of the moviegoers that ran out of the theatre in The Blob, debuting Steve McQueen! RIP Mr. Fishlove.

photo via google

Despite my vast collection of simple machines for the classroom, this was the only thing I kept and I'm not the only one who fell in love with it!  Someone on Etsy who has a devil collection snatched it right up and it was so fun exchanging emails about all the things we collect!  A very funny and charming buyer!

  photo via The Destiny of Things

Saying Goodbye:  By the time this found it's new life and home, it had been over a year and it worked out well for me because by then, my itch to collect Mr. Fishlove collectibles had faded away.  So I reinvested the proceeds into my Milagro and Mexican Wedding Necklace collection.  Oh and some WHW tinnies.

What I Learned:

1.  I can grow out of collecting most "everything" and I do know now that some things I love at the moment, even for days or months and "must have" will eventually fade away and it's best I just window shop.

2.  I am sure happy I did not start collecting Fishlove gag gifts!  I certainly don't have room to display them and they would probably be just sitting in a box until I bought so much it was overflowing!

Is my recovering hoarder mind reshaping itself and making more sense to me now?

However, I still love this one!  And would love to have this mixed in with my silverware!

photo via google

Thank you Etsy buyer for the fun banter while your item was on reserve and we chatted about our various collections.  Thank you for helping me make my collection list smaller.  I was collecting milagro, Mexican Wedding necklaces and WHH tinnies, but right now I am not collecting anything!

Thank you Etsy for helping me make my dehoarding more enjoyable, fun and even funny! The times I've purged my hoard, like on the Hoarder shows,  I would eventually regret it and hoarded back ten fold! 

Thank you readers from all over the world for supporting my  HoarderRehab and The Destiny of Things !  Your support by visiting is much appreciated.

My new dehoarding goal is to list something new weekly at each shop until I reach 200 at least three shops!  I have reached that goal at two shops! 

Click on the shop names to visit new hoard listed daily or weekly: HoarderRehab with 200 items, The Destiny of Things- 196 items , VintageToGoEasy - 201 items and now JunkDrawerAndMore - 164 items!  Maybe you'll find something to take home and share your story too!  Thanks for looking!

Hope your Valentine's weekend is full of devilisciously deadly heart throbs!

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