Monday, November 19, 2012

Today's HoarderRehab Epiphany #4: Hoarding as a Business

Today's HoarderRehab Epiphany #4:  Hoarding as a Business

This is two true stories about finding a needle in a haystack by accident!

I just finished reading an etsy article, that under normal circumstances I would have never read!  Collecting English Transferware:  One Woman's Story.  Not only am I not a fan of transferware, but if I had not been sick in bed with a stomach ache I would have never read it.  I would have passed by it without a second thought.

 Nancy Roberts with a tiny flash of her collection of her English Transferware China. 

So I ask, why did I read Collecting English Transferware:  One Woman's Story?  I'm not sure yet, but there are several reasons I would have never read this article:

1) it was about a subject I could care less about:  English Transferware china, which I used to think was the ugliest stuff in the world
2)  it's Monday and I usually I don't have time to read any etsy articles until Friday or so
3) I usually never read articles with videos because with articles I can skim and I can't do that as easily with a video due to filler info. placed here and there, but not this one.

All I can say now is I am so thankful I read it! and the article was so compelling I watched the video! And am I ever so happy I watched it!  The video was like frosting on a cake, even if you are like me and don't like frosting!

What I learned:

1.  Stomach aches are not so bad, even if they do monkey around with a routine I'm trying to reestablish.  I am thankful for all the "off road" gifts it brought me!  One of the many being, my stomach ache is barely noticeable!  I am now a huge believer in huge doses of inspiration as a remedy for more than one thing!

2.  The video was not full of filler, but instead had enough information and history on transferware to tickle my fancy. I  will no longer see transferware, as ugly, common and plain, but have an appreciation towards it's loveability.  No worries, I will not collect any!  Okay, maybe one or two pieces, if I need them.  I did fall in love with the blue calico, especially the open hands, black transferware, and  muted color plates with contrasting color borders!
I was so taken, when Nancy said, "I look at these plates and see a picture in a frame already on it!"  Sold!  Even what I see as ugly, I can find beauty, especially if I slow down and smell the roses.

3.  The article helped me see that my dehoarding journey into the unexpected is not as scary as I thought because Nancy's happenstance journey turned out unbelievably incredible! 

4.  After reading her story and watching her video, I was attracted to how she let her American Dream come true and now has a garage full of what she loves as inventory!  Could this be my hoarder dream x 100?

How many possibilities does her story open for me?  What if hoarding can be turned into a successful business and I could do that!  I love the idea, that from the beginning of her business, she put some of the money aside to by more and more pieces!  Okay, so I've done it a little backwards from her.  She started with 20-30 pieces and I've started with countless!  Let me stay focused on my goal to go in the opposite direction as hers when it comes down to the collecting part.

But I love her beautiful, well-organized astounding collection!  And I love that I could do the same in somewhere as easy and accessible as a garage and go visit any time I wanted!  As a repetition artist, the garage alone is a walk through masterpiece or a long view centerpiece! 

As a hoarder, I have to stop myself and see myself well enough to know how easily it is for me to pulled into many different directions and how two forks in the road can turn into endless ones!  I have one road at the moment and that is the HoarderRehab road!  A one way road to an organic minimalist home with a second room to create in, not as storage for unused things.

5.  What do I really want?  To turn my hoarding ways into a business? or move on to the unexpected?  I choose the unexpected.  But at least I have a back up plan, if I back slide or need one, knock on wood.

Thank you Nancy Roberts of English Transferware on etsy for your more than inspirational story.  I am thankful I found so many gifts in it for me.  Read more of her daily stories on her blog, Nancy's Daily's Dish .  Thank you Tara Young of etsy for organizing the article and video!  Thank you etsy for helping me find a positive fun way to dehoard!

Today's HoarderRehab Epiphany:  Although this fueled my determination to continue dehoarding with renewed energy and awe, it also fueled my issues with FOMO, "fear of missing out", but that's another story!

Thank you for taking part in my HoarderRehab!

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