Thursday, November 1, 2018

Halloween Gypsy Den & Madame X Fortune Cards: The Destiny of Things, Story 528

Halloween Gypsy Den & Madame X Fortune Cards:  The Destiny of Things, Story 528

How much fun does this sound!

She ordered our last 50 random mix set of Twilight Zone Swami or Madame X machine cards.  Our supplier no longer carries them and we have not been able to find another.  We only have them in complete sets of 52, which means they have been sorted and collated and you get one of each type to make a complete set of 52, available here.  Photo via JunkDrawerAndMore

Here is the email I received:

I am super excited. I am going to turn my cube at work into a gypsy den for Halloween and make one of those fortune teller machines with a box and half a mannequin.

Today I sure wish I could be a fly on the wall and visit her work cubicle and visit this gypsy to see what my fortune will be.  Love to see her costume as well as her gypsy den!  Or is it the mannequin telling the fortunes?  Hmmm... either way, it would be so fun to see and experience.  I think getting a fortune card is a great alternative to candy!

Saying Goodbye:  I used to covet these fortunes because my brother and I used to eat at a cafe in Orange County that had a machine at every booth and he's the one that told me to watch Twilight Zone's Nick of Time with William Shatner!  He couldn't believe I didn't remember it, since we used to watch the Twilight Zone marathons all the time together.

What I Learned:

1.  I wanted to use these in my mixed media art, but never have.  Then I was going to keep a few complete sets for myself, but I am not.  So I think I'm doing much better as a recovering hoarder, since I don't have to save a sample of every little thing I'm trying to let go in hoard amounts! lol.

2.  One of the problems I have with these fortune cards is that they are two sided and on newsprint, so you can only use one side and as a recovering hoarder, I could never decide which side I like better and would have to use both sides, which means I'd have to keep at least two sets!  Yes, that's how my mind as a hoarder works!  And that's a small example!.

3.  I think my hoarding days are over, but sometimes that is easier said then done.  I will see what happens during my most stressful time of the year, the "dreaded" winter holidays.  Maybe this year I won't even dread them because I am actually looking forward to the challenge and new experiences.

What dreaded experiences have you overcome?  I am going to turn my dreaded winter holidays into something more pleasant this year!

Here is what a complete set of 52 fortune cards look like.  They are like a deck of cards with hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs with aces, kings, queens, jacks and the numbers 10 through 2 for each suit, available here.  Photo via JunkDrawerAndMore

Thank you Etsy buyer for sharing your exciting creative story!  I hope you have a fabulous time at work celebrating Halloween today!

And check out her shop, AllyzAttic and find something old, something new-past and present finds!  Let's see my favorites are the wooden swallow bookends, here.  Good thing I'm not hoarding anymore because back in the day, I would have had a difficult time passing these up due to their price!  What a deal!  Oh my cute clothes too!  This shop is a hoard trap!

I've given up on doing something with my purge pile.  I'm going to let it sit there until I have a definitive unwavering answer one way or another.  I'm going to focus on my physical and spiritual well being until something clicks.

Everyday is such an adventure dehoarding on Etsy!   I never know who I'll meet and I have met so many Etsy buyers who share their stories with me and every time I glean some insight about where my dehoarding journey is taking me.

Thank you Etsy for the best Hoarder Rehab ever!  And for all the kind people I'm meeting who are helping me indirectly and directly in so many ways with my Hoarder Rehab!

Check out their Mystic Seer napkin dispenser fortune teller card box!  William Shatner's character is putting a penny in the machine to get his fortune. On the show, his fortune's come true.  It's called Nick of Time, Season 2, Episode 43. Watch it on youtube. More info. on wiki with spoilers.

I still want to list until each shop has 180 items, but now I mainly list on the weekends, due to finding so many interesting books to read.  I was waking up at 3 am because I feel better and get most of my health routines, reading and my fun creative stuff in by 8 am and then do hoard organization, home and financial maintenance and then by 11 am I am ready to do Etsy stuff.

Sales are still steady, but have picked up again now that the Halloween rush is over.  Now for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's!  We ship out on Monday's, Wednesdays and Fridays, almost routinely, unless a holiday falls on one of those days and then we ship out at our next shipping date.  For example, if a holiday falls on a Monday, we will ship out the next coming Wednesday.

I've let go of the Etsy fee changes that were bothering me.  I've been working hard to change my thinking lately and this is my new thinking towards Etsy sales and life in general, "I am willing to forgo all perceptions of gain, desire or profit and thereby be willing to be of selfless service to life in all it's expressions."  Easier said then done, but everyday I'm taking baby steps and practicing it.

Click on the shop names to visit new hoard listed daily and/or weekly: HoarderRehab with 174 items, The Destiny of Things- 172 items, VintageToGoEasy - 177 items and JunkDrawerAndMore - 171 items.   

Maybe you'll find something and give it new life and a new home!  Thanks for looking!

Here's a Mystic Seer box that an Etsy buyer's husband made last year for their Twilight Zone Halloween party.  You can see the fortune cards from our shop in the slot!

Happy Belated Halloween!  I wrote this posting and then forgot to publish it for Halloween!  I just remembered right now!

"Learning how to use, instead of being used by it."  I relate this quote to my hoard and it took me half a life time to learn how to use my hoard, instead of me being taken over by my own compulsion to hoard, so many years of hoarding unconsciously...  I am so thankful that is coming to an end!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my Hoarder Rehab and The Destiny of Things! 

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