Wednesday, June 6, 2018

DIY Ballerina Jewelry Box Gift: The Destiny of Things, Story 509

DIY Ballerina Jewelry Box Gift:  The Destiny of Things, Story 509

Someone is in for a great surprise this month for their anniversary!  BEFORE:

He ordered the pink ballerina for his creation.  More pink and/or yellow ballerinas, available here

Here is the note and updated photos I received:

Hmmm... I can't seem to find that email, but he told me he was using the ballerina to make an anniversary gift for his wife to hold her jewelry.

Jewelry box in progress!

Photo via creative and kind Etsy buyer from JunkDrawerAndMore

Here is what I wrote back:

Wow, What an amazing transformation!  and so thankful to be a tiny part of it!  Your wife is going to love it!  Congratulations and best wishes on your anniversary!

I'll use your story and transformation images on my blog and leave you anonymous.  Thank you for making my day and making my Hoarder Rehab that much more enjoyable!

Kindest regards,

FINAL PHOTO of jewelry box!

Photo via creative and kind Etsy buyer from JunkDrawerAndMore

AFTER Photo of ballerina!

I just love this!  It looks like a surfing ballerina to me!  I wonder if that's possible, a surfing ballerina dancing on her toes, like Hang Ten!
Photo via creative and kind Etsy buyer from JunkDrawerAndMore

The jewelry box has built in little compartments for rings and such and little hanger for necklaces and  bracelets!  So cool!  If I wore jewelry, I'd want one of these for my jewelry box!  I used to use a Japanese sewing box called a Haribako and a small musical Reuge as my jewelry boxes, both were from my mom and dad.

Now the Haribako box holds all my Etsy supplies for packaging and my Reuge jewelry box holds all my childhood jewelry that I still can not part with yet, like my jade pieces, gold and silver charm bracelets, my magical Zuni Sun God pendant and favorite lucky hopscotch chain bracelet, lol

Speaking of musical jewelry boxes, I wonder if this is one too.  Is it built in?  because it looks like the ballerina might twirl!  So curious!

Pink and/or yellow ballerinas, available here
The green hand painted one is sold out, but there is one in red at our other shop below.
photo via JunkDrawerAndMore

Saying Goodbye:  These will be the last ballerinas we will stock because that's all that is left in my hoard of hoards, unless I find some more in a few boxes that are I haven't looked through yet.  However, I am ready to donate the rest of my hoard because I think I'm ready to purge and not look back this time.

I used to purge about every decade and found I just accumulated all the stuff back again, even worse than before, but this time I think I can purge without rebounding.

Hand painted in red or DIY yellow, available here
photo via VintageToGoEasy

What I Learned:

1.  This week we are doing Dr. Schultz's 5 day Liver Flush and it appears my childhood injuries and mumps are still detoxing, so my collar bone and jaw area, shoulder bursitis and elbow feel tight and need a lot of massaging.  It is getting less and less as each day goes by.  My sciatica has found relief as long as I do yoga daily.  Hopefully it will all heal soon.

2.  I'm still waking up at around 3 am and I'm sleeping much better these days.  I fall asleep around 9 or 10 pm without any problems now.  I've been reading Tanya Zavasta's Quantum Eating, not for the beauty or longevity, but I won't complain if it helps me, but for sleep, my cold feet, breathing techniques, and fasting and other health information.  She backs up her information with research that's been done and tries to demystify being a raw vegan for health, which she is the best example of and points out that a lot of the research is for people who eat cooked foods.

Anyways, one of her suggestions is to stay awake for 24 hours to reset your sleeping body clock.  I haven't tried it yet, since waking up at 3 am seems to be working for me.  So far I love her book and honesty.

3.  The last couple of days I've been feeling great when I wake up at 3 am, but if I need to sleep more, I just listen to my body and do sleep in, usually until 5 or 6.

What have you been doing for your self care lately?  I've been trying to establish a healthier routine now that I'm sleeping better and focus on my new interests more.

I call these the Village People!  I have their matching dancing female mates too.
I have a ton of these in pink, yellow and some hand painted.  I think I'll start listing them all.
These 6 Village People in pink are listed here
photo via JunkDrawerAndMore

Thank you Etsy buyer from JunkDrawerAndMore for taking the time to send me your email story and before and after photos with progress photos too.  Thank you for making my Hoarder Rehab so much more fun!  I just love to see all the creative endeavors Etsy buyers make with my hoard!  Thank you for sharing!

I can see the problem I might be having by purging.  If I purge, I think I'll have to get over my FOMO, fear of missing out, like who knows what treasures I might be throwing out.  I'll start over thinking about it all!  I decided to list my clothes instead of donate them until I get tired of it.  I keep thinking I'll upcycle some of them, but I can barely keep up with mending my favorite clothes.

Everyday is such an adventure dehoarding on Etsy!   I never know who I'll meet and I have met so many Etsy buyers who share their stories with me and every time I glean some insight about where my dehoarding journey is taking me.

My experiment of changing all the jewelry to the general category of jewelry so I could use all the holidays seemed to work for Mother's day, but not so well for Father's day.  Now I'm changing everything to Independence day, which I'm changing all the jewelry back to it's more specific categories because Etsy has Independence Day as one of their holidays.  Very interesting how they have Independence Day as holiday in their specific category, but not Mother's or Father's day.  I wonder what happened there.

For example, under the jewelry category, if I use the more specific categories, like stacking rings, the only holidays to choose from that were upcoming were either Cinco de Mayo or Independence day.  If I wanted to use Mother's day for a holiday, I had to use the most general category of just "jewelry."  

Thank you Etsy for the best Hoarder Rehab ever!  And for all the kind people I'm meeting who are helping me indirectly and directly in so many ways with my Hoarder Rehab! 

I was listing these in singles and pairs, but only the ballerinas are selling, so I will be listing these clowns in a group with others, hopefully next week.

It took a lot of time to change the holiday categories for each listing on all the shops and the jewelry categories back to general jewelry and now I'm changing all jewelry back to the more specific categories and changing the holiday to the next one.  My goal is still to list 170 items per shop!  It looks like I have a lot of listing to catch up on!

Sales were up and down, but mostly down now, but that's okay, it'll give me time to list new things so I can make my goal of 170 items per shop and write more blog posts!  We'll be joining the Etsy sale that starts on June 18, but we'll start our sale earlier.

Click on the shop names to visit new hoard listed daily and/or weekly: HoarderRehab with 162 items, The Destiny of Things- 161 items, VintageToGoEasy - 171 items and JunkDrawerAndMore - 169 items. 

Maybe you'll find something and give it new life and a new home!  Thanks for looking!

And these too!

Related Stories:  I have a lot of ballerina jewelry box replacement stories!

Thank you for visiting my Hoarder Rehab and The Destiny of Things!  Happy Wednesday! 

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