Friday, March 25, 2016

Happy Easter Chenille Baby Chick Fun! Hoarder Rehab Inspiration or Desperation, Story 20

Happy Easter Chenille Baby Chick Fun!  HoarderRehab Inspiration or Desperation, Story 20

Many of these come to me distressed and challenged!  I adopt them!

Plastic animal figurines for drink and cake toppers, available here

If they need some help standing on their own, are missing an eye or other baby chick parts, too lop sided, crushed or broken I keep them and they play with the other animals!

Some wander around the house and check out the art I've been collecting or making!

Neon pink Gee's Bend quilt inspired paper collage, available here

Some end up chasing cars!

 Some cool "rat race" art I bought on Etsy last year!  Novelty pencil sharpeners, like the car, available here at Hoarder Rehab   

Most just end up being silly and playing wherever they can!

Chenille baby chicks in gift giving condition, available here

Saying Goodbye:  I won't be saying "goodbye" to my own brood of baby chicks.  I will store mine in gumball capsules when summer is over and have fun with them again next year.

Hoarder Inspiration:

1.  I love these chicks, but could only find them in bulk amounts.  Happily, others like them as much as I do at our Etsy shops!

2.  I do love to rearrange things and make little silly scenes around the house!

3.  I keep some in my purse for little ones who could use some cheer or a little travel pocket toy.  They add a pop of color to care packages and Mother's day baskets.

I love these too and they end up on plants rather than drinks!
Plastic animal figurines for drink and cake toppers, available here

Hoarder Desperation:

1.  I seem to keep a lot of little fun things in my purse!

2.  I can't seem to throw out anything cute and broken!  I wanted to put wiggle eyes on the ones that didn't come with eyes or missing eyes, but they got lost in my hoard already!  Back to the drawing board of organizing!

3.  I haven't had a retail therapy melt down in a long time, but I did fall off the Lent Wagon this month (I gave up sugar and buying stuff for Lent this year) and bought many float frames and cubes for my art!  It made me very nervous to buy so much, but i don't think I'll be seeing that stuff again soon.  My hoarding and FOMO, fear of missing out, go hand in hand and does cause me conflict.

Hopefully we'll have time this weekend to take photos, so I can post them for next week's blog.

Oh, and I bought some clothes too, but that didn't bother me as much because I'm finding it more and more difficult to find cotton clothes.  I am allergic to synthetic blends.

What I Learned:

1.   As a recovering hoarder, I'm still in conflict over what to keep and what to throw out, even if it's broken, but I'm learning to embrace it, instead of stress over it.

2.  I do feel stress when I buy things now, instead of it releasing stress, however I think that might be progress and hope it balances out as I make more progress.

3.  I haven't had a melt down endless buying spree for over 3 years now, so that's progress!  However, I do go on limited mad money buys during Christmas and my birthday.

4.  I feel more balanced, in the sense that since much of my hoard has found new lives and homes, it's much easier to make time and have room for my alternatives to hoarding, which is mainly spending time making art.

5.  I am still aiming for my goal of minimalist organic home, but it is taking longer than I thought.  That's okay too because I've realized that with all my hoard I used to feel really rushed and had this odd sense of time where I thought everything took so long to get done. 

I've been working on living in the present because hoarding for me seemed to be so much about living in the past with the memories that each thing held on for me and then letting go of it all seemed to so far in the future.  It might only make sense to me, lol.

Here is a photo I often look at of our living room on a good day!  Usually when guests are about to arrive!  I want all our whole house to look something like this!
Where to add a baby chick!?!  Hmm....

Thank you Etsy for being here as an outlet to release my hoard in the most pleasant, manageable and easiest way to dehoard without accumulating back ten fold!

Click on the shop names to visit new hoard listed daily and/or weekly: HoarderRehab with 194 items, The Destiny of Things- 190 items, VintageToGoEasy - 200 items and JunkDrawerAndMore - 194 items
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Happy Easter!

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