Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Story from October: The Destiny of Things, Story XXV

Christmas Story from October: The Destiny of Things, Story XXV

 A endearing Christmas story started on October 21, 2012 when this refrigerator dish sold. 
This is my second emailed story from October 29, 2012.

Dear Kennedy,

I was thrilled to get your handcrafted card and personalized note. The vintage refrigerator dish could not have been better...I was so pleased! I must tell you that this was my first purchase using Etsy and I was skeptical as to the condition the piece would be in when it arrived. It was even better than I imagined and thank you for wrapping it so carefully.

The dish will be a gift for my mother-in-law for Christmas. She has a dish just like it that was her mother's. Every holiday she uses it to serve green jello salad, but sadly the lid is broken in half and she has taped it together in such a way that it looks very unsightly. I know she loves the dish because it was her mother's, but I am hoping she will also appreciate a beautiful new lid. Maybe she will be happy keeping the old broken parts in a drawer as a keepsake and use the one I bought from you when she serves her jello salad during the holidays. I have filled it with a few of her favorite soaps and lotions as her favorite scent is Lilly of the Valley.

Thank you again for your kind note and I will be sure to shop with you again sometime.

All the best,
Courtenay Diederich

Saying Good-bye:  I have no idea as to why I collected so many refrigerator dishes!  18 total!  Thank heavens, most of them have sold!  There are four left to go!  All I can say was one of them was my favorite salsa container and some of the supersized pyrex set I used for chawan mushi, but the rest took up a whole lot of cupboard space!  I don't remember either of my Grandmothers using them and the only other reason I can think is it's better than storing food in plastic containers.   I guess this was a collection just gone awry!

I am so happy this went to such a heartfelt occasion and if all my pieces have a story similar to this one than I don't think my HoarderRehab can get much better than this!  Just think, if these are the stories I know about I'm sure the others I don't know about are just as good.  Now can I let go using the best of my imagination?

 What I learned:

1.  Do I sometimes collect for no apparent reason?  Apparently so!  Usually there is some remote connection, but not this time!  For instance, I've been really itching to buy this mechanical music box from Urban Outfitters, just because it reminds me of watching the Mad Max series over and over with my brother! 

That's an idea!  I can add the stories of stuff I "have to have" placed in between Destiny of Things stories.  For example, I'll add items like the mechanical music box from Mad Max 2 movie with my brother and see if that helps me from buying them!

2.  Holiday family stress is starting to build up and for some reason my latest collection in my mind are wall clocks!  Is timing running out? or is this a sign that I have a lot of time and not to rush things?  I love this simple red arrow clock, airplane time flight and will return wall clock!  At the moment I really want the "will return" wall clock!

I just found these "full of chuckles" wall clocks on etsy!  Fun and Funky clocks made from found objects from IMOTIME.  I found this shop looking for some spam kitsch!  I want a huge can of spam, but just the can!  I love the stuff, but sadly can't eat it anymore! 

3.  I just love stories like this one!  The details of Christmas green jello salad in that huge depression glass dish and her mother-in-laws favorite scent being Lilly of the Valley just adds more cream to the gravy!  I hope I get a whole lot more stories like these, it sure does make my life and dehoarding life easier, more pleasant and fun! 

I wish I could be a fly on the wall to see her mother-in-laws face when she opens up this gift! and everyone else's face who gets to witness that classic moment!  How many people will be happier from this one HoarderRehab History item?  Whoever is there to see her refrig. dish top replaced, plus two and everyone at her holiday dinner table!  Oh wow, that might be an all time record for a HoarderRehab History item!  I'll call that thought and how I feel "gushing happiness!"

Another story made possible from an etsy connection!  Thank you!  And thank you for joining me in this wonderful and unwinding HoarderRehab adventure of my  Destiny of Things!

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