Here is the first story I got through email! It really influenced and motivated me to start this blog! It was nine days after her email that I published my first post!

October 2 2012 2:56am EDT
Hi Kennedy,
I love my things I purchased from you! I collect Mexican folk art (among many other things) & especially Dia de los Muertos items. I would like to see what else you are going to list.
I'm not a hoarder, but I'm approaching "Hoarder Lite". My problem is more clutter-wise since I have so little display space and soooo much to display. Plus it makes it harder for my cats to jump up there if there's no room to land. They like to bat stuff onto the floor and play with it. Or break it. Or both.
But what I did with the picture frame was put in a black and white photo of myself as a little girl sitting atop a pony wearing a cowboy outfit (okay, I was wearing the outfit, not the pony. Sorry.). That was waaay back when photographers would go door to door with a pony and offer to take pictures of your kids on the pony for a small price. This was back in the '60's in Los Angeles before parents had to worry about strangers bringing large hooved animals to your door and wanting to photograph your kids with them. More innocent times then.
ANYWAY...I have an old picture of my mother when she was really little, sitting atop a pony, very similar to my picture. I have it in an antique wooden frame with a tooled raised tin design on it that looks Mexican. So I have these pictures side by side and they look really cool. I would like to collect more pony pics like that if I can ever find any more.
I hope you can use this story for your Hoarder Rehab collection & I'll keep an eye out for new stuff in your shop.
'Bye & take care,
Hi Kennedy,
I love my things I purchased from you! I collect Mexican folk art (among many other things) & especially Dia de los Muertos items. I would like to see what else you are going to list.
I'm not a hoarder, but I'm approaching "Hoarder Lite". My problem is more clutter-wise since I have so little display space and soooo much to display. Plus it makes it harder for my cats to jump up there if there's no room to land. They like to bat stuff onto the floor and play with it. Or break it. Or both.
But what I did with the picture frame was put in a black and white photo of myself as a little girl sitting atop a pony wearing a cowboy outfit (okay, I was wearing the outfit, not the pony. Sorry.). That was waaay back when photographers would go door to door with a pony and offer to take pictures of your kids on the pony for a small price. This was back in the '60's in Los Angeles before parents had to worry about strangers bringing large hooved animals to your door and wanting to photograph your kids with them. More innocent times then.
ANYWAY...I have an old picture of my mother when she was really little, sitting atop a pony, very similar to my picture. I have it in an antique wooden frame with a tooled raised tin design on it that looks Mexican. So I have these pictures side by side and they look really cool. I would like to collect more pony pics like that if I can ever find any more.
I hope you can use this story for your Hoarder Rehab collection & I'll keep an eye out for new stuff in your shop.
'Bye & take care,
She also took these cards off my hands!
I wrote her back told her about my list of collections and asked her what she collected and she answered back with her list!
Here is a list of the ones I can come up with now (all vintage unless otherwise noted):
1. Mexican silver jewelry (most bought at flea markets in the '80's when it was still affordable)
2. Bisque porcelain Victorian doll heads (the creepy ones with no eyes)
3. Salt & pepper shakers, preferably advertising ones
4. Perfume bottles
5. Taxidermy birds & one snarling hedgehog
6. Fossils, mostly ammonites (squid fossils that look like snail shells) & natural crystals (because I think they're pretty, not because of the supposed "chakra" feely stuff)
7. Weird '50's lamps (again, bought in the '80's when they were affordable)
8. Barkcloth '40's & '50's curtain fabric with really cool designs
9. Rattan furniture, my favorite piece being a bar with matching barstools and a circular wall shelf, whereupon some of my weird lamps sit
10. Those cool little Kikkerland wind-up robot toys (new)
11. Oaxacan wood-carved animals (not vintage)
12. Fiestaware, Bauer pottery, and similar colorful pieces that are affordable (again, '80's)
13. Flower pots planted with succulents and cacti
14. Vinyl records (I still have my turntable and a semi-working receiver that needs replacing)
15. Mexican religious pictures (I'm a devout Agnostic myself but I just think they're pretty)
16. Milagros
( I'm taking a ciggie break here to think of some more - be right back)
Okay, got more...
17. Mexican double-sacred-heart pictures (I have only one so far cuz they're hard to find)
18. Mexican wood animal masks
19. Italian wood boxes and pottery
20. Skulls made out of porcelain, crystal, stone, antler and whatever else they can be made out of
21. Day of the Dead skeletons, one of my faves being a 2-foot tall wooden one my sister got in Mexico
22. Butterfly wing trays
23. Hog Wild Bender toys (new of course)
24. Beat-up cat toys for the furry ones (new at first but not anymore)
25. Antique photos (I am going to put pictures of animal heads on the peoples' bodies-I've only done one so far but it turned out pretty cool)
26. Various doll and bird parts. I made a sparrow man using an old Japanese doll body and a real sparrow head and wings. It came out great & I'll show you a picture if I can manage how to figure it out.
That's all I can think of right now. Feel free to include this in your Hoarder Rehab file if you like. I must confess that "Hoarders" is one of my favorite shows. Watching it makes me feel inspired to do a little cleaning. Very little.
I have managed to sell a lot of my stuff at a couple of antique malls. My folks rent two booths so I can put things in there when I decide I can part with them.
One thing I would really like to find is an old dentist's or doctor's cabinet, the kind that's metal and porcelain with glass shelves & casing all around. That would make a great display cabinet. Oh well, a girl can dream.
We ended up having a lot in common, like we could be twins in another dimension. We still keep in touch here and there! She is so funny!
Saying Good-bye: Letting go of my Day of the Dead Mexican Folk Art collection was easier than I thought. It's interesting which items hit home and I don't really know which ones they'll be until someone orders them!
Chrisy's emails were a big factor in finally getting me moving to start this blog. How perfect is that?
Also her pony story is priceless! Two generations of pony pics! That's classic. Does anyone know where you can take your pic like that now?
Her story made me think of my pony/zebra story which I hadn't thought about since her email!
Since I didn't get a pony picture as a child and even though I was in college, I couldn't resist a pony pic on a trip to TJ, but either that pic is long gone or lost somewhere still in my hoard! And there was no cowboy outfit to wear and the pony was a donkey spray painted to look like a zebra! I hope I still have that pic somewhere!
Thank you Christy for thinking of me and sending me such thoughtful emails and for all the chuckles that went with them! Thank you etsy for providing me an outlet to dehoard and meet such supportive people! Thank you for taking part in my HoarderRehab today!
Do you have a list of your collections you'd like to share? or your pony, donkey or zebra story?
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