HoarderRehab Inspiration: Paying Attention to Falling Stars! Story #1
I never know where and when inspiration may strike. It's like a falling star, they are happening all the time, but if it happens in the day they seem invisible and at night, it takes a whole lot of darkness and the right timing to see them!
One of my biggest HoarderRehab health issues that is most likely equal to my hoarding issues is insomnia.
I never know where and when inspiration may strike. It's like a falling star, they are happening all the time, but if it happens in the day they seem invisible and at night, it takes a whole lot of darkness and the right timing to see them!
Karen Anne Glick's etsy shop banner:
Today I was clumsy tired, dead tired, whacked out tired, the kind of tired that keeps me out of social circles because I have no filter and may inovertly unintentionally offend someone with my dialogue or make them laugh. However, I tend to offend more than create laughter, so I just don't take the risk!
I couldn't draft listings on etsy, awmok.com or even my own blog. I couldn't even watch netflix long enough to get into something! So with a limited to no attention span, I was clicking inadvertently around etsy, when a new item listed from one of my favorited shops caught my eye and I went to see it more closely. Then it hit me, the etsy shop is Karen Anne Glick and on her banner is, "one each day: a quilting practice" listen, allow, trust honor let go.
Here it is again, in case you are like me...and took her banner for granted.
"One a day : : a HoarderRehab practice-- listen - allow - trust - honor - let go-"
I'm a frequent visitor to her shop, but never paid close attention til today and there it was a recovering hoarder "mantra" I could use daily too!
As a hoarder, sometimes I'm not sure where I've been, but listening to the messages of the universe is usually not one of them. Usually the pattern has to be so repeated so many times that I don't even hear it because it just starts sounding like la-la-la-la or I'm too late and miss the boat completely or I think I'm too busy for it, but I've been better at listening now for some reason. So here is my next list of clues: allow trust honor let go.
Thank you Karen Anne Glick for your etsy banner and for creating a daily quilt. I may not look at each one a day, but this time when I did- it had a very strong impact.
Thank you Karen Anne Glick for your etsy banner and for creating a daily quilt. I may not look at each one a day, but this time when I did- it had a very strong impact.
Here is the quilt that drew my attention: etude III

I've been to her shop many times because her quilts are irresistible to my eyes! So fantastic amazing little quilts with my favorite-- "little stories!" It's easy for me to go there and start
fav'd everything and spend the day reading!
Along with each quilt is a little written something, a haiku, an alluring title, a little note, like someone left for you on a park bench, frig or bus stop, even little wishes for her friends! Dreams, concerns, purpose, being one with her work, humor, solutions, hope in disappointments, history, reality, and at the end of the day she still has time for the small stuff with big meaning! These "little stories"are like little sparks in someone's day, your day, my day, anyone's day that go with a quilt!
I hope my home one day looks as minimal as this mini quilt. My dream is for my home to be minimalist organic, which to me means, hardly anything in it decorated with nature. Natural objects falling into place- just as her quilts do. Also her shop banner words: listen allow trust honor let go Powerful words to live by on my HoarderRehab adventure! Thank you Karen Anne Glick of Carisle, PA!
Along with each quilt is a little written something, a haiku, an alluring title, a little note, like someone left for you on a park bench, frig or bus stop, even little wishes for her friends! Dreams, concerns, purpose, being one with her work, humor, solutions, hope in disappointments, history, reality, and at the end of the day she still has time for the small stuff with big meaning! These "little stories"are like little sparks in someone's day, your day, my day, anyone's day that go with a quilt!
I hope my home one day looks as minimal as this mini quilt. My dream is for my home to be minimalist organic, which to me means, hardly anything in it decorated with nature. Natural objects falling into place- just as her quilts do. Also her shop banner words: listen allow trust honor let go Powerful words to live by on my HoarderRehab adventure! Thank you Karen Anne Glick of Carisle, PA!
How I will use these words:
Listen to the clues around me
Allow them in my life as they come for the moment
Trust my feelings about them
Honor the memory that comes from the feeling
Let go with reconciliation, forgiveness, grace or whatever feeling it takes
How will the words "listen, allow, trust, honor, let go" help you today?
I am so touched by your post...and so humbled. I admire your courage in looking your demon square in the eye and not giving in any longer to all that held you captive. We all have our demons, but few of us have the strength to persevere and grow into the person we are meant to be - but look at you!!! I can truly see the home you describe and I know with all my heart that you will live there and it will be a reward so well earned. Keep the vision of that home in front of you!
ReplyDeleteOne of the main reasons I started my quilts was to learn to let go - such a hard thing to do when, for whatever reason, you think something defines you and that you will be incomplete without it. But like you, I've found it gets easier and now I find pure joy and such freedom in releasing the quilts into someone else's care. I never ever thought I would feel that way.
I hope you'll keep in touch and let me know how your journey goes.
Thank you for honoring my in such a lovely way!
Karen Anne
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ReplyDeleteThank you for the visit and comments! Good to hear from someone who inspired me with their banner words and one quilt a day practice! Thank you for your accurate observations, compliments, encouragement, support and sharing your experience and feelings of letting go of your amaZing quilts. Nice to hear from a non-hoarder who can relate!
DeleteSpeaking of your amaZing quilts, thank you for creating one that shows my minimalistic organic home falling perfectly into place.
As of today, 12-12-12, my journey has taken me 147 pieces closer to the home your quilt depicts for me! Yes, 147 items of hoarder history have found new and better homes!
Thank you, Karen Anne and etsy for being part of my HoarderRehab!