Today's HoarderRehab Epiphany #3: As a Hoarder, I am Not Alone
I thought I would try to relate my post to Halloween, which was difficult for me because I wanted to add all my stories in the order they came and I have 20 or so back logged in drafts, but since I am trying to change my patterned OCD Hoarder ways, here it is.
As a hoarder with a blog, no story goes unnoticed and no rock is left unturned. I hope that changes for me as a hoarder, but until it does, I hope to use it as a tool as part of my therapy. Here are some questions and comments I have received from people who have found good homes for my Halloween items!
I thought I would try to find my Halloween destash a good home. I felt so fortunate, almost all of it went to a good home in Florida.
Halloween Destash Kit #1
Then I asked if she was making some Halloween jewelry and wanted to add these:
She replied, "Yes Please!" and then added,
"Is the Hoarder Rehab working? I can barely walk in the front door of my house, much less the garage due to the hundreds(?) of boxed items I've ordered on line!! ;("
"Is the Hoarder Rehab working? I can barely walk in the front door of my house, much less the garage due to the hundreds(?) of boxed items I've ordered on line!! ;("
October 3 2012 1:14pm EDT
Thanks for the chuckle!!! and yes, it is working and even more nice is it's surprisingly easier and much more fun than I thought! Because believe me this is probably the fifth or so time of dehoarding and I don't want to keep up with this pattern that took years to discover!!! lol So hopefully, I can control myself after this round because it seems to happen every 5-10 years- before I know it some boxes have grown to the ceiling!
lol- I see you have growing boxes at your house too! Love to hear more about your hoard, if you have the time.
Thanks again for taking part in my Hoarder REhab!
Lastly, this was ordered and it all went to a good home in Florida!
Saying Good-bye: These were easy to let go and all of it went to a good home! There is so much relief in that idea for me! It works each time..... so far.
Then a couple weeks later the second witch charm sold and I sent out this email:
Halloween is my favorite time of the year. I am a seamstress and have a special wardrobe, consisting of jackets, witch hats and several skirts which I have created over the years to wear just for Halloween. The skirts are sewn using 12 different prints and embelished with ribbon, and different trims. October 1st I bring out the clothing, jewelry, witch hats and wear my creations to work. Several years ago my husband and I traveled to Salem, Massachusettes and spent Halloween there. I was disappointed but had fun sewing and wearing the special wardrobe made for the trip. While in Salem I purchased several witch charms to start a charm bracelet to wear with my clothing. Since then I search for charms to add to the bracelet.
What epiphany did letting go of these items bring me? 1) That I am not alone, but it's actually sinking in now. 2) It has brought me more questions to answer. For instance, how do other people cope with their abundance? When does abundance turn into hoarding? Many people seem very content and happy with their abundance, so what happened to me?
I think after writing this post, I have brought myself more confusion and conflict and am beginning to see that my hoarding issues are complicated and multi-faceted. My HoarderRehab is not so black and white, but very grey and yet sometimes as bright as a rainbow!
Thanks for the chuckle!!! and yes, it is working and even more nice is it's surprisingly easier and much more fun than I thought! Because believe me this is probably the fifth or so time of dehoarding and I don't want to keep up with this pattern that took years to discover!!! lol So hopefully, I can control myself after this round because it seems to happen every 5-10 years- before I know it some boxes have grown to the ceiling!
lol- I see you have growing boxes at your house too! Love to hear more about your hoard, if you have the time.
Thanks again for taking part in my Hoarder REhab!
Lastly, this was ordered and it all went to a good home in Florida!
Saying Good-bye: These were easy to let go and all of it went to a good home! There is so much relief in that idea for me! It works each time..... so far.
Then a couple weeks later the second witch charm sold and I sent out this email:
Hi again!
Thank you for your order! I forgot to ask you this question. It makes it easier for my HoarderREhab to let go of these items.
Do you have anything special in mind for this witch charm? I am collecting the stories behind the purchase and I'd love to know yours. I'm collecting these stories, instead of things to include on The Hoarder Rehab Blog: The Destiny of Things. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Thank you for your order! I forgot to ask you this question. It makes it easier for my HoarderREhab to let go of these items.
Do you have anything special in mind for this witch charm? I am collecting the stories behind the purchase and I'd love to know yours. I'm collecting these stories, instead of things to include on The Hoarder Rehab Blog: The Destiny of Things. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Oct 23, 2012

Halloween is my favorite time of the year. I am a seamstress and have a special wardrobe, consisting of jackets, witch hats and several skirts which I have created over the years to wear just for Halloween. The skirts are sewn using 12 different prints and embelished with ribbon, and different trims. October 1st I bring out the clothing, jewelry, witch hats and wear my creations to work. Several years ago my husband and I traveled to Salem, Massachusettes and spent Halloween there. I was disappointed but had fun sewing and wearing the special wardrobe made for the trip. While in Salem I purchased several witch charms to start a charm bracelet to wear with my clothing. Since then I search for charms to add to the bracelet.

7 days ago
Thank you for the story! It will definitely be included on The Hoarder Rehab Blog: The Destiny of Things
Do you have pics of your Halloween outfits to share? I'd love to see them and include them too! and I'm curious as to why you were disappointed, do tell, if you have the time! Your witch charm bracelet sounds cool too! I have two, both from my childhood.
Oh yeah, your charm was shipped out today! Thank you for taking part in my HoarderRehab!
Best regards,
Thank you for the story! It will definitely be included on The Hoarder Rehab Blog: The Destiny of Things
Do you have pics of your Halloween outfits to share? I'd love to see them and include them too! and I'm curious as to why you were disappointed, do tell, if you have the time! Your witch charm bracelet sounds cool too! I have two, both from my childhood.
Oh yeah, your charm was shipped out today! Thank you for taking part in my HoarderRehab!
Best regards,
October 24 2012 9:10pm EDT
Hi Kennedy,
I would be more than happy to send pictures. I'll have time over the weekend.
I was disappointed with Salem because it's so commercialized. We still had a good time exploring the area and enjoyed the food. I made myself a special coat and a matching witch hat to wear on the plane. It made the trip more interesting and the outfit was a conversation piece. Although once in Salem it became annoying because people would constantly stop me and ask to take a picture. I now understand why the rich and famous avoid the public when possible.
I can't wait to add my new charm to my bracelet.
I'm a hoarder as well and want to ask if collecting stories has helped with the hoarding disorder?
My problem is collecting items that I can later turn into a piece of jewelry, or use in a sewing project. In the past it was collecting vntage clothing (1500 pieces). I would wear most of what I collected before the clothing shrunk. Actually, over the years I grew in size. I also managed to collect over 500 vintage hats. Fortunately my head is the same size and I have a few favorite hats that I still wear. I love hats!
I would be more than happy to send pictures. I'll have time over the weekend.
I was disappointed with Salem because it's so commercialized. We still had a good time exploring the area and enjoyed the food. I made myself a special coat and a matching witch hat to wear on the plane. It made the trip more interesting and the outfit was a conversation piece. Although once in Salem it became annoying because people would constantly stop me and ask to take a picture. I now understand why the rich and famous avoid the public when possible.
I can't wait to add my new charm to my bracelet.
I'm a hoarder as well and want to ask if collecting stories has helped with the hoarding disorder?
My problem is collecting items that I can later turn into a piece of jewelry, or use in a sewing project. In the past it was collecting vntage clothing (1500 pieces). I would wear most of what I collected before the clothing shrunk. Actually, over the years I grew in size. I also managed to collect over 500 vintage hats. Fortunately my head is the same size and I have a few favorite hats that I still wear. I love hats!
October 25 2012 7:41pm EDT
Thank you for writing me back! Your witch outfit must be out of this world to get that kind of attention! I look forward to seeing it next week and hopefully a peek at your charm bracelet too! I would love to include them all on my new blog!
Thank you for the question about hoarding, it really made me think, which as a hoarder I do not ponder well on, but now that I've taken responsibility for my hoard, instead of tolerating it or pretending like it's not there, I am working on my issues with hoarding. Your question got me thinking so much that I wrote 8 pages this morning!
Yes, collecting stories, instead of more things, has helped me with my hoarding disorder! A lot! Tons! (At least so far--- in the end, only time will tell) I have purged my hoard many times, like about every 5- 10 years and it keeps coming back and sometimes in larger amounts. Kinda like going on a diet and then gaining back more! So I'm hoping that dealing with the feelings, memories and other issues that come up with letting go of my hoard happens this time----so I won't repeat my hoarding patterns!
Yes, I have similar collecting issues as you do, as with vintage clothes and reusing them in some other ways. Yes, to me, everything has a potential dream that I do not want to let go of! but I don't seem to be creating anything due to my hoard! it's a viscous cycle!
I got a good chuckle about how some of your vintage clothing shrunk on you! 500 hats!!!! I know that feeling! I've managed to collect probably 500 religious charms, medals, and crosses!
You are not alone! Maybe we can start a support group?
Thanks for the question! Got anymore?
Best regards,
Thank you for writing me back! Your witch outfit must be out of this world to get that kind of attention! I look forward to seeing it next week and hopefully a peek at your charm bracelet too! I would love to include them all on my new blog!
Thank you for the question about hoarding, it really made me think, which as a hoarder I do not ponder well on, but now that I've taken responsibility for my hoard, instead of tolerating it or pretending like it's not there, I am working on my issues with hoarding. Your question got me thinking so much that I wrote 8 pages this morning!
Yes, collecting stories, instead of more things, has helped me with my hoarding disorder! A lot! Tons! (At least so far--- in the end, only time will tell) I have purged my hoard many times, like about every 5- 10 years and it keeps coming back and sometimes in larger amounts. Kinda like going on a diet and then gaining back more! So I'm hoping that dealing with the feelings, memories and other issues that come up with letting go of my hoard happens this time----so I won't repeat my hoarding patterns!
Yes, I have similar collecting issues as you do, as with vintage clothes and reusing them in some other ways. Yes, to me, everything has a potential dream that I do not want to let go of! but I don't seem to be creating anything due to my hoard! it's a viscous cycle!
I got a good chuckle about how some of your vintage clothing shrunk on you! 500 hats!!!! I know that feeling! I've managed to collect probably 500 religious charms, medals, and crosses!
You are not alone! Maybe we can start a support group?
Thanks for the question! Got anymore?
Best regards,
Saying Good-bye: This last Halloween witch charm was a little more difficult to let go, only because it was the last one and I had hoped since it was already so close to Halloween, it might not sell. However, since it went to another good home where it will be with other sisterly witch charms I felt more joy as I let it go.
What epiphany did letting go of these items bring me? 1) That I am not alone, but it's actually sinking in now. 2) It has brought me more questions to answer. For instance, how do other people cope with their abundance? When does abundance turn into hoarding? Many people seem very content and happy with their abundance, so what happened to me?
I think after writing this post, I have brought myself more confusion and conflict and am beginning to see that my hoarding issues are complicated and multi-faceted. My HoarderRehab is not so black and white, but very grey and yet sometimes as bright as a rainbow!
If you have any questions or comments, please by all means do so! And thank you for taking part in my HoarderRehab!
And Happy Halloween! Eat, Drink and Be Scary!