I just love embossed metallic foil die cut Victorian scraps old and new!
photo via The Destiny of Things
8 piece love themed scraps, available here
I don't mind if something is new and just looks vintage because some of the really old papers can be harder to work with due to their delicate age and usually the new reproductions are in my price range!
And I have no ideas about their proper naming and have found them under all kinds of tag searches, like Dresden, German, die cut, Victorian scraps, embossed, ginger diet cuts, metallic foil and on and on. If anyone out there knows, please kindly let me know. Until then, I'll call them Victorian scraps.
I have been collecting Victorian scraps since I was in college and have been collecting scraps of paper since I was a child, especially advertisements with old style vintage fonts and graphics. I've always loved the graphics from my toy packages and candies. I guess I've been a paperholic all my life!
The old German Dresden scraps with it's metallic foil and thick embossed paper are some of my favorites! Especially angels and flowers! I don't know why my favorites are so expensive. Below are the flowers I love, but way out of my price range!
photo via xmasterman on ebay
available here
I have similar flowers, but in darker colors that I've xeroxed them and cut out. These were expensive too and even more expensive with shipping! Last year, it was a treat reward for reaching one of my goals. I'm glad I got them back then because now they are sold out.
I don't know why I love Victorian scraps so
much. When I was college, I used the angels to make Valentine cards and Christmas card
packs for family as gifts, but since then I've only collected!
photo via MademoiselleChipotte
The flowers are sold out at the moment, but she has some angels, here
So an Etsy buyer loves these German die cuts as much as I do and ordered two sets yesterday! She was really excited about finding them and said she is going to add them to some collage pieces this Valentine! How fun!
I wrote her back saying I'd love to see her finished art and she said she would send photos! I am looking forward to seeing how she transforms these into her collage and I will be so happy to update this posting!
photo via The Destiny of Things
8 piece love themed scraps, available here
I just love the little cupid angel with the mail bag ready to deliver a love letter in hand! Cupid and the other metallic foil die cuts were made in Germany. Here's a little information on Victorian scraps:
"scrap", also known as lithography, is colored printed papers and usually embossed die cuts that were
used in Victorian times by both children and adults for various past times
and collections.
Scraps first appeared at the beginning of the 19th century
in the form of engravings in black and white and tinted by hand. Color
printing came into play in 1937 and chromatography and scrap
manufacturers appeared mostly in Germany and Great Britain. These pre-cut
scraps were relief stamped and embossed to give them a three-dimensional
look and feel. They are sold in sheets connected with small strips to join
them together.
Collections of scraps were pasted into special scrap albums and Victorians
mixed calling cards, greeting cards and any pictures they liked and wanted
to keep that were special to them.

photo via The Destiny of Things
8 piece love themed scraps, available here
Saying Goodbye: It's difficult for me to let any of my paper go! It sounds funny to me now, but I hope it gets easier, since I have learned with practice to let other things go with less and less anxiety. It is so much easier to let go when someone shares their excitement and lets me know how pleased and how much fun they are going to have with them.
What I Learned:
1. I realize I am more attached to my paper than I thought and I do have boxes and boxes worth piling up in my craft room. I used to have them in piles around the room and now I have made my life so much easier by dedicating an entire large junk drawer just for any scrap of paper I can't bear to throw away!
2. I really need to start using all my scrap paper! I've been telling
myself I've been collecting all my favorite Victorian scraps to make
religious reliquaries that I'd love to collect, but are also very
3. Having an Etsy shop has helped me get over collecting all kinds of paper doilies, but not Victorian scraps! From large 10" heart doilies in pink, red and white to small 3.5 inch heart doilies to large 8" round doilies, French doilies, silver doilies and more most of them are listed here at The Destiny of Things or do a in shop search with "doilies."
photo via google
Thank you Etsy collage artist for letting me know you are adding some of my favorite die cut scraps to your Valentine collage! I hope to see your final art piece soon! Thank you for inspiring me to start using my paper again!
Thank you Etsy for being the best Hoarder Rehab outlet ever! JunkDrawerandMore hit 500 sales today! That's a whole lot of empty junk drawers now and I've been filling them right back up, but more organized this time around! And last week, The Destiny of Things hit 400! Thank you so much for helping me find new lives and homes for my hoard!
Thank you readers from all over the world for supporting my HoarderRehab and The Destiny of Things ! Your support by visiting is much appreciated!
My new dehoarding goal is to list something new weekly at each shop until I reach 200 at least three shops! I have reached that goal at one shop!
Click on the shop names to visit new hoard listed daily or weekly: HoarderRehab with 201 items, The Destiny of Things- 194 items , VintageToGoEasy - 199 items and now JunkDrawerAndMore - 164 items! Maybe you'll find something to take home and share your story too! Thanks for looking!
Notice the Victorian scrap in the religious treasure in the background
I'd like to make some like it.
photo via Hoarder Rehab
New vintage lithographed Miraculous Mary holy prayer card, available here
Hoarder Rehab Tip #2: This works for me!
Admit, Accept, Confide and Contain: Containment is very difficult for me and my hoard can grow in leaps and bounds when I'm not even looking at it! First I confined all my hoard into drawers and storage furniture (more like stuffed haphazardly to the brims!) and then it grew into boxes and boxes until now.... Now I try and keep it all in three different spots, well actually a room and two allowed spaces. "Allowed" is a very important shift in thinking for me, as are recovering hoarder.
I'll have to continue this tip on Friday because I am all out of my allotted time to post today.
I've collected 100's of images of embroidered scapular type reliquaries, like the one above.
I'd like to try and make them as patches, but not sure how well they will wash.
photo via ebay, available here
Related Stories: My other love washi tape which is Japanese paper tapes. When I was still hoarding, but trying not to!
1. Retail Therapy as Easy Happy Stress Release: Hoarder Inspiration or Desperation, Story #11, Part 1
2. Washi Tape Retail Therapy as Easy Happy Stress Release: Hoarder Inspiration or Desperation, Story #12, Part 2
Last of the Retail Therapy as Easy Stress Release: HR Inspiration or Desperation, Story #13, Part 3
with hand sewn on faux rhinestone cross, available here
photo via The Destiny of Things
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