Etsy is full of surprises! A fun and funny transaction!
I may have lost one of my "go to" totes when I needed something to hold my stuff for a quick jaunt around town, like the Farmer's Market, but I gained more because I have a new friend now!
It's always nice for me to know a friend has my stuff because I feel like I could go visit them and see it or maybe even borrow it back for a day!
I thought we might get along from her first email!
I really enjoyed reading what you wrote about the bag and yourself...I am not a hoarder but I have other vices! Lol
I collect rocks and have recently been on a rock shopping spree! Oh my, there's a dysfunctional story behind my latest spree....but at least I am not in denial, right?
This evening I have been looking for hours on eBay and such for some type of pouch to safely transport my favorites in (rocks, spheres, gems etc) usually its just to show them off!! Your bag is Awesome!! Simply wonderful! It jumped right off the page at me! . I really think it belongs with me in Kansas. :-D
It was going to become a "rock" pouch! That was easy because I love rocks too! So ended up having a lot in common and she's not a hoarder, so I found that extra comforting!
We have written so many emails that I can't seem to find the one that has the story behind her purchase! I've already spent over an hour searching and reading all our old emails!
Here is one that explains the rock pouch carrier in one of her emails:
We have covered alot of ground in just a few days. You had asked what rocks I will carry in the pouch. That will depend on where to am going, what rocks they have or haven't seen, and level.of Interest. If i were going to be with children i would take all sorts of cool rocks of different colors and shapes. I would take. Few I didn't.mind parting with and let If is just me, i will take rocks that feel right at the time. I see some of your stones inthe pix u take. I would.lime to hear about who the first generation rock.collector was in ur family, and how you were influenced.from them..I'd like to know what rocks you have sold and what was the deciding factor. How, who or when acquire them and do u have any favorites...
That's her cat, Maddie in the background. We both love cats too!
Well, I'm totally dismayed at the moment since I can't find her email with the story in it! I usually put them aside too, but if I did, I can't find that either! I really need to get organized again!
Anyways, she loves her pouch so much that she keeps it in a ziploc bag when she's around smokers! So I was so relieved to know that someone loves loves it THAT much! I was very happy to hear that bit of news.
Lou has also already used it several times and even returned to VintageToGoEtsy to order some more!
I see she collects little trinkets dishes too and has a pine basket like mine, here!
I used to keep my rock and shell collection in it and also a place to keep my keys when I'm at home, so I always know where they are without losing them.
I love her rock collection! Makes me want to start collecting them again!
She also collects the "see no evil, hear no evil, talk no evil" monkey dos. I need to find mine again. They used to sit on my television, but since I haven't owned one in over 10 years, I have no idea where they are now!
Anyways, there's a whole lot of rocks, gems and crystals to haul! So I suppose that's why she returned to order this:
and these too!
She sent me stories about them too, but I can't find the emails and I'm so stressed about it I can't remember anything she wrote about them either!
All I can remember is that she said, the pouch was perfect.
I have no idea about the handcuffs. What happens with the handcuffs, stays with the handcuffs!
Saying Goodbye: It doesn't even feel like I had to let go of these things, since they went to someone I know so well now. However, I am still disappointed that I can't find her email with the beautiful email in it. Maybe she'll remember which account it's in.
What I Learned:
1. Just when I thought I was being more organized, it feels as though I'm falling apart at the seams! One of those types of unravels where you tug on the thread once and it all goes to pieces!
I know it's not the end of the world, but it sure feels like I lost a recent chunk of it!
2. Note this incident and include better organization skills for my New Year's Resolutions!
3. Lastly, my hoard is leaving too quickly again and I'm having a difficult time dealing with it all and I think I may need more time to process. Plus I don't do well with winter holidays and it's starting to build up into something....
I think I'll temporarily stop listing items from my past and/or items that I may even have a slight attachment too. I've already deactivated many.
I'll have to take some time and read my postings from this time last year and see how I was doing, but I think I was already on a buying spree and I think that pattern is repeating itself!
I think a solutions for me is to concentrate more on creating and less fussing on parting with my things by not parting with them at this time. More cognitive blog therapy, less action orientated therapy with definitely more creative project days!
Note to self: Although the Advent Forest project was helpful, I think that may have been the beginning of my disorganization from time constraints, so in the future I need a better schedule with more balance.
Does your retail therapy escalate during holidays or other stressful times for you and if so, have you found any other more productive less expensive alternatives? Mine definitely escalate and it's such and easy habit to fall back on. I think I really need some time out! I'd really love to hear your ways! Please leave comments or emails! Much appreciated.
Thank you Lou for all your orders from VintageToGoEtsy, but most of all for your friendship and support. Please forgive me for misplacing your email with your story for me! I will look for it again this weekend and ask you about it.
Thank you Etsy for not only bringing me closer to my goals, but for bringing me surprises, like new friendships, simple kindness from strangers and many other unexpected things I'm thankful over.
Thank you US, Canada and Australia for your visits since yesterday and keeping me company with my my Hoarder Rehab and The Destiny of Things!
Click on the shop names to visit my hoard listed daily: HoarderRehab, The Destiny of Things and VintageToGoEtsy and now JunkDrawerLoveEtsy! There are about 107 items listed on JunkDrawerLoveEtsy and will be listing 1-2 new things there daily and 1-2 items at the other shops! Thanks for looking! Maybe you'll find something to take home and share your story too!
Related Stories: More stories about other friendships that got started on Etsy!
1. Ali's first story from the Alvin Schwartz book, More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark: See the tree house where the stories will be read out loud from an Etsy shop owner, thank you Ali! (click for her Etsy shop)
2. Love Heart Charms: The Destiny of Things, Story #105
And thanks to the many kind acquantinces I've met along this journey making it more insightful, meaningful, fun and funny!
Most Read Story of the Week, Month and All Time: My Louis Vuitton Collection. My last piece of my Louis Vuitton collections is here, at The Destiny of Things!
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