Unique Idea for Red Foil Mini Tags for Labeling Passed Down Christmas Ornaments: The Destiny of Things, Story 601
What a grand idea! I'm going to use it next year! BEFORE:
Tiny cute red foil price tags, available
here. Photo via
JunkDrawerAndMoreWell, now that I actually said it and now that I am thinking about, I am having doubts. I will, if as a recovering hoarder, I can let go of my Christmas ornaments! At least I have a year to think about it and battle it out in my little hoarder brain! Back to the story....
Here is the message I received:
These little tags are perfect for my needs! I’m using them to label
Christmas ornaments passed down from grandparents and great grandparents
with their name.
There isn't an updated photos with the tags on the heirloom ornaments, but once you see the updated photo, you'll get the idea!

Tiny cute red foil price tags for all your little projects that need a little label or pop of color, available
here. Photo via
How she writes so tiny is beyond me, even her writing is cute! and what a perfect way to share heirloom Christmas ornaments! And a unique way to keep family history recorded!
Saying Goodbye: I love these teeny tiny tags. They took me years to find and I don't think I'll be able to find them again. That's okay, I've saved a large stash for myself some where! I think they are supposed to be used as jewelry price tags. I would like to use them for mixed media art, if I can ever keep a table cleared in the art music room, that really is a supply room/Etsy shipping room.
Tiny cute red foil price tags for all your little projects that need a little label or pop of color, available
here. Photo via
What I Learned:
1. Since I started this blog and before, I don't do well during the winter and it can get bad. Not get stay in bed bad, but the kind where the feeling of dread will not let go and knots up my stomach for most of the day. I used to get that ever winter, well, actually starting with Thanksgiving and ending with Valentine's every time, but this year is so much better. I just have the retail therapy blues, meaning my dreads, anxiety, stress and blaghs aren't as bad as the previous years and I'm just filled with a crazed nervousness. I'm hoping to transform my case of nerves into excitement. It will take some practice, but look how far I've come!
2. Hoarding is down too! This time of year I'm usually way out of control! I give myself budgets that keep on growing with deadlines and cut off points that keep getting extended! At least I'm not buying stuff for re sale. I'm just buying textiles, varying from antique quilt pieces, antique embroidery samplers, vintage needlepoint works to Society silk linens. It seems I know what I'm looking for now, so I'm buying more specific items and they are harder to find and usually more expensive, which really helps slow me down! Although a family matter has erupted, so hopefully I can turn that stress into peace and know it will pass as I squeeze through to the other side.
3. Usually I have a long list of New Year's Resolutions. I write them down and make a plan, but this year I only have three. I don't know why, except that is all that has come to mind. I usually get 80% of my New Year's Resolutions done, if I write them down. Maybe if it's less, I'll get them all done. I just watched a documentary called, "Stress to Happiness," and one of the sayings that stuck was "where attention goes, energy flows." Here's to trying that out next year!
With the tables cleared maybe I'll finally be able to make some of these cards and use the red foil tiny tags! Imagine this Christmas themed for next year's Christmas cards! Tiny cute red foil price tags for all your little projects that need a little label or pop of color, available
here. Photo via
One is focus on myself. The year of the Tiger is going to be my "me" year. I call it, "Recovery is the gift you give yourself." It includes an exercise plan and better eating for energy. Basically just taking better care of myself turned into a routine that I can live with.
Second one is to finally clean up and organize THAT second room by Lunar New Year! which is earlier this year and lands on Feb 1. I hope I have the energy spurts of a tiger! to get it done. This time I will make a schedule with goals and I definitely have to quit cold turkey on buying stuff because that's why I can't keep my table cleared!
Third, buy a house in 1-2 years, even if it's a tiny home or caravan pod. I have a couple of things started, like improving my credit score and packing. Packing seems pre mature, but at least it makes me feel like I'm headed to reaching my dream.
Also good for naming your favorite little creations! Tiny cute red foil price tags for all your little projects that need a little label or pop of color, available
here. Photo via
What are your New Year's Resolutions? I usually start thinking about mine after Christmas and don't get them written down and started until March, but this year, they just came to me on Dec. 17, 2021, so I'm starting early!
Thank you Etsy buyers for sending
your stories behind the the purchase and with an update photo! Wish I could see the Christmas ornaments with these tiny tags on them! Maybe I should start now before I forget where they came from and the like!
I'm not focusing on Etsy so much these days! I'm still bitter about the Etsy financial fiasco and there lack of support of them not depositing our hard earned cash and triple digit over charges on shipping fees. Turns out, with no support from Etsy, our deposit miraculously showed up after several email for support and guidance (not sure if that helped since I never got a response except an automated one about banking procedures) and we got a better response from USPS and got our overcharges on shipping fees returned.
As for Etsy, they didn't return our calls, even though we signed up for one. Never got to talk to a "real" person or get an email from one, which is too much like my other ex job of teaching! I'm still on my Etsy countdown for leaving, which is at 14 months now. Still not sure what that will look like, but I'm trusting "Life" to show me better ways and days!
Imagine tiny gift wrapping like these with a pop of red from the red foiled tags! I've seen these tags in silver and gold, but red seems very difficult to find! Tiny cute red foil price tags for all your little projects that need a little label or pop of color, available
here. Photo via google.
I'm also disappointed in Etsy's newish monthly star seller badge thing. Two shops won't get it next month due to one 4 star review, when the rest have been 5 stars and one needs a sale of $11 to make Etsy's financial selling shop criteria. I guess it's a good thing for new shop owners, but for seasoned shop owners it's just another hoop to jump and a disappointing one at that. Weird too, Etsy wants you to design a badge that you can add to your shop? Not sure how that works, since it's monthly and the criteria can change whenever they feel like it.
I was making my own Etsy goals, like listing until each shop had 180 items but Etsy buyers made that goal very difficult to keep up. I think go on a semi Etsy vacation, except for packaging orders regularly, relisting and new listing when inspiration hits, until the shops get down to 3 pages each. I'll work on my New Year's Resolutions instead!
After I get my two tables cleared, I'm
definitely doing more art for myself instead of for selling. It's much
more freeing, relaxing and fun. Then it's on to freeing up my sewing machine!
Click on the shop names to visit my hoard: HoarderRehab with 174 items, The Destiny of Things- 176 items, VintageToGoEasy - 165 items and JunkDrawerAndMore - 172 items. And now, Mending Ways with 81 items!
My current Etsy goals feel like they are tangled up in a big conflict. I'll either let them be or untangle my heart about it. I am, however, immensely grateful to
all who are
my alternative to hoarding!
Maybe you'll find something and give it new life and a new home! All pleasant lookieloos are appreciated!
Thank you readers for your visits and support from my Hoarder Rehab and The Destiny of Things!
"No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again."--- Buddha and "There is a new beginning in every second."--- Unknown
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022! I think everyone is looking forward to leaving this year behind!
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