Saturday, October 27, 2018

Mini Mermaids for Wild Caribbean Poison Headdress Cocktail Hat: The Destiny of Things, Story 527

Mini Mermaids Wild Caribbean Poison Headdress Cocktail Hat:  The Destiny of Things, Story 527

Such an amazing imagination!  Nothing typical about this fish bowl headdress!  BEFORE:

We have 8 different colors of mini mermaids left in stock, which are usually used to hang  on your cocktail drink or to decorate your cupcakes, but this story and use is beyond the imaginable!  Available here, photo via VintageToGoEasy

Hold on to your hat, sit pretty with your cocktail poison of choice and put your feet up, while you read this fun email description of the incredible Caribbean Poison Headdress!  AFTER:

I intend to have this ready to wear to Latitude 29 in New Orleans--while looking up the reviews, i TOTALLY saw some drink photos with our mermaids on them!!!!! how terrifically fabulous is that!?

In any case, here is my description so far... let me know what you think ;)

Caribbean Poison - Fishbowl cocktail is resting in a bed of glittered coral accompanied by two kitsch crazy straws, a retro style swizzle stick, a sweet maraschino cherry pierced by an over sized cocktail umbrella and an ACTUAL Beachbum Berry tiki cocktail pick! All adorned with other fun items such as a tiny retro mermaid cocktail charm, colorful seashells, orange slices, and lots of multi-colored flora. Can’t find a local tiki bar? Problem solved!

The sky is the limit with what can be done with your fish bowl! Add water colored flowers, water/oil/petroleum jelly—depending on the weight/how much is used—with brightly colored fishing lures, blue or clear gelatin cubes with candy fish to be consumed later, a happy little mermaid, a terrarium, blue or clear crystals with your favorite aquarium accessories and/or lights/glow sticks, liquid bubbles with a bubble wand, or even a fun bubbly carbonated drink of your choice; the possibilities are endless!

Please note that the fish in this piece were temporarily used short term for the shoot and is from my personal aquarium; I do not suggest nor condone the mistreating of pets/animals.

What? what and what?  My imagination is running wild over here!  A fish bowl tiki cocktail headdress hat?  I've got to see this!!!!!  Please update us with photos!  And if you want to a little fix to calm your curiosity of such a proposed headdress, check out Jezebel Lobelia shop, JezebelsFascination and get blown away with her creativity, quality and uniqueness!  There is a fascinator, headdress, headpiece hats for everyone with playful themes in mind!

UPDATED PHOTOS may arrive in November!  I can't wait!  Sure wish I could be a fly on the wall in New Orleans for Latitude 29!

Beachbum Berry is reviving the tiki bar at Latitude 29 in New Orleans!
Check out in full detail, here.  Photo via Beachbum Berry Latitude 29

As for Latitude 29 Beachbum Berry's drinks, their cocktail menu spans the entire 80 year history of Tiki drinking, from the lost vintage recipe's that the Bum has unearthed.  Can you believe that?  I wonder what drink this is called, Pearl Diver?  It's one I found with a mini mermaid decoration!  Gotta have a historic drink in the historic French Quarters of Louisiana!

I'm guessing this is their Pearl Diver drink, which looks like plenty of giggle juice for more than one mermaid!  And it may give a clue to as to what Jezebel's fish bowl headdress may look like!

Saying Goodbye:  I have a large collection of vintage cocktail mermaids and animals, like two shoe boxes worth and as of now, I'm not sure what to do with them.  I was saving them for my mixed media art, but at this point in time, I'm more interested in other things.  Any suggestions?

What I Learned:

1.  My hoarding ways have taken a turn for the better, except now, when I spend money, I feel guilty about it.  Very strange, it's like the table has totally turned in the complete opposite direction and now I can't spend a dime without feeling weird, almost guilty about it, like I should be holding on to my money for dear life!  I'll just go with the flow until my spending reaches a a feeling of balance and I can trust my spending decisions more and more.

2.  I've been spending my time reading and improving my health.  I had a tooth issue.  It healed itself with some help from me, like keeping my mouth super clean, gargling with thyme oil water, coconut oil pulling, following Dr. Schulze's tooth protocol, while adding my own tooth remedies here and there.  Basically an experiment that worked.  I also found a lot of home remedies for tooth ache that worked well too!

3.  I've also healed my sciatica.  Mainly with a lot of meditation, gentle yoga and pressure point massage.  I can now walk 1.7 miles without any pain!  Next I'm working on my adrenal fatigue, but I'll have to go off being a raw vegan to vegetarian for awhile, but I've been flip flopping about being a raw vegan and now the choice has been made for me, since my adrenals need a lot of protein to recover.   More on that later.

Anyone else out there working on their adrenal fatigue?  I'd love to hear what is working for you!

I've let go of all my cocktail glasses on Etsy, so here are the glasses I have left as an example of what they look like on champagne, kids cups and tumblers.
Available here, photo via VintageToGoEasy

Thank you Etsy buyer, Jezebel Lobelia for sharing your story!  I love it and your wild imaginative description of what you are going to do with the mermaids!  I'm thankful to be a tiny part of your fish bowl headdress and wish I could be a fly on the wall to see how everything goes at Latitude 20 when you have it on!

And check out her shop, JezebelsFascination and see her creativeness at work!  I am an introvert, so here's the one I'd wear here, but if I were an extrovert, I'd be wearing this one here.  It even lights up!  Actually if I were an extrovert, there are too many too choose from!  Looking forward to seeing the fish bowl headdress sometime this November!  Thank you Jezebel Lobelia!

I've given up on doing something with my purge pile.  I'm going to let it sit there until I have a definitive unwavering answer one way or another.  I'm going to focus on my physical and spiritual well being until something clicks.

Everyday is such an adventure dehoarding on Etsy!   I never know who I'll meet and I have met so many Etsy buyers who share their stories with me and every time I glean some insight about where my dehoarding journey is taking me.

Thank you Etsy for the best Hoarder Rehab ever!  And for all the kind people I'm meeting who are helping me indirectly and directly in so many ways with my Hoarder Rehab!

These look great arranged on a cake like above or a few on cupcakes or even just one, available here.  Photo via JunkDrawerAndMore

I still want to list until each shop has 180 items, but now I mainly list on the weekends, due to reading so much.  I was waking up at 3 am and I feel so much better when I do, but now that my adrenal fatigue has kicked in, I need to sleep as much as possible.  I've had insomnia all my life and have tried so many remedies and have several more to try, but one of the adrenal fatigue solutions is to sleep whenever I'm tired, which is really hard to do because we were not allowed to nap.  More on that later.

Sales are still steady, but have slowed down this week due to everyone getting ready for Halloween.  It usually picks up right after Halloween as everyone gets ready for the next holiday, Thanksgiving.  We ship out on Monday's, Wednesdays and Fridays, almost routinely, unless a holiday falls on one of those days and then we ship out at our next shipping date.  For example, if a holiday falls on a Monday, we will ship out the next coming Wednesday.

I've let go of the Etsy fee changes that were bothering me.  I've been working hard to change my thinking lately and this is my new thinking towards Etsy sales and life in general, "I am willing to forgo all perceptions of gain, desire or profit and thereby be willing to be of selfless service to life in all it's expressions."  

For me, this is easier said than done, but I keep saying it.  I will need a lot practice and evaluate my old thought patterns that come up and let go of the ones that do not benefit me anymore, until this affirmation rings true for me.  The quote is from "Transcending Levels of Consciousness" by David Hawkins.

Click on the shop names to visit new hoard listed daily and/or weekly: HoarderRehab with 175 items, The Destiny of Things- 176 items, VintageToGoEasy - 177 items and JunkDrawerAndMore - 170 items.   Wow!  I need to list more to reach my goal, I'll try and list an hour every Mon, Wed and Fri and see how that goes.

Maybe you'll find something and give it new life and a new home!  Thanks for looking!

Maybe someone out there can do something unique with these monkey cocktail or cake toppers, available here.  Photo via Hoarder Rehab

“When you stop living for luxuries, you understand the real meaning of life.” ― Abdul Sattar Edhi

Anyone out there, know where to find Abdul Sattar Edhi's autobiography, A Mirror to the Blind?  That's less than $100?  Thank you!

and Thank you for visiting my Hoarder Rehab and The Destiny of Things! 

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